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Category: Computer Vision

Paper Digest: Recent Papers on Autopilot / Self-Driving Car

Paper Digest Team extracted all recent Autopilot / Self-Driving Car related papers on our radar, and generated highlight sentences for them. The results are then sorted by relevance & date. In addition to this 'static' page, we also provide a real-time version of this article, which has more coverage and is updated in real time to include the most recent updates on this topic.

Paper Digest: Recent Papers on Generative Adversarial Network

Paper Digest Team extracted all recent Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) related papers on our radar, and generated highlight sentences for them. The results are then sorted by relevance & date. In addition to this 'static' page, we also provide a real-time version of this article, which has more coverage and is updated in real time to include the most recent updates on this topic.

Paper Digest: COVID-19 Related Papers (Computer Science)

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Paper Digest Team extracted all COVID-19 papers on our radar, and generated highlight sentences for them. These results are grouped by topics, and sorted by relevance & date.

The article you are reading is on COVID-19 related papers under the topic of "Computer Science". In addition to this 'static' page, we also provide a real-time version of this article, which has more coverage and is updated in real time. If you like to read more, we encourage you to check out COVID-19 related papers under the other topics. Readers may also like to review the list of recent patents on COVID-19, which contains hundreds of patents on this topic.

ICCV 2019 Papers with Code/Data

We identified around 150 ICCV 2019 papers that have code or data published. We list all of them in the following table. Since the extraction step is done by machines, we may miss some papers. Let us know if more papers can be added to this table.

CVPR 2019 Papers with Code/Data

We identified 116 CVPR 2019 papers that have code or data published. We list all of them in the following table. Since the extraction step is done by machines, we may miss some papers. Let us know if more papers can be added to this table.

We thank all authors for writing these interesting papers, and readers for reading our digests. If you do not want to miss any interesting AI paper, you are welcome to sign up our free paper digest service to get new paper updates customized to your own interests on a daily basis.

Paper Digest Team

Paper Digest: CVPR 2019 Highlights

Download CVPR-2019-Paper-Digests.pdf- highlights of all 1,294 CVPR-2019 papers (.PDF file size is ~1M).
You can also download paper highlights by sessions (15 sessions in total):
3D Multiview; 3D Single View & RGBD; Action & Video;
Applications; Computational Photography & Graphics; Deep Learning;
Face & Body; Language & Reasoning; Low-Level & Optimization;
Motion & Biometrics; Recognition; Scenes & Representation;
Segmentation, Grouping,  & Shape; Statistics, Physics, Theory, & Datasets; Synthesis.

The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) is one of the top computer vision conferences in the world. In 2019, it is to be held in California. There were more than 5,000 paper submissions, of which 1,294 were accepted. More than 100 papers also published their code (download link).

Paper Digest: ECCV 2018 Highlights

The European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) is one of the top computer vision conferences in the world. In 2018, it is to be held in Munich, Germany. There were 2,439 paper submissions, of which 776 were accepted (59 orals, 717 posters).

CVPR 2018 Papers with Code/Data

We identified 48 CVPR 2018 papers that have code or data published. We list all of them in the following table. Since the extraction step is done by machines, we may miss some papers. Let us know if more papers can be added to this table.

Paper Digest: CVPR 2018 Highlights

Download CVPR-2018-Paper-Digests.pdf– highlights of all 979 CVPR-2018 papers (.PDF file size is ~0.7M). The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) is one of the top computer vision conferences in the world. In 2018, it is to be held in Utah. There were more than 3,000 paper submissions, of which 979 were accepted. ...