Paper Digest: AAAI 2015 Highlights
The AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) is one of the top artificial intelligence conferences in the world. In 2015, it is to be held in Austion, Texas.
To help AI community quickly catch up on the work presented in this conference, Paper Digest Team processed all accepted papers, and generated one highlight sentence (typically the main topic) for each paper. Readers are encouraged to read these machine generated highlights / summaries to quickly get the main idea of each paper.
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Paper Digest Team
TABLE 1: AAAI 2015 Papers
Title | Authors | Highlight | |
1 | Efficient Top-k Shortest-Path Distance Queries on Large Networks by Pruned Landmark Labeling | Takuya Akiba, Takanori Hayashi, Nozomi Nori, Yoichi Iwata, Yuichi Yoshida | We propose an indexing scheme for top-k shortest-path distance queries on graphs, which is useful in a wide range of important applications such as network-aware search and link prediction. |
2 | Inferring Same-As Facts from Linked Data: An Iterative Import-by-Query Approach | Mustafa Al-Bakri, Manuel Atencia, Steffen Lalande, Marie-Christine Rousset | In this paper we model the problem of data linkage in Linked Data as a reasoning problem on possibly decentralized data. |
3 | A Personalized Interest-Forgetting Markov Model for Recommendations | Jun Chen, Chaokun Wang, Jianmin Wang | In this paper, we considered people’s forgetting of interest when performing personalized recommendations, and brought forward a personalized framework to integrate interest-forgetting property with Markov model. |
4 | Will You “Reconsume” the Near Past? Fast Prediction on Short-Term Reconsumption Behaviors | Jun Chen, Chaokun Wang, Jianmin Wang | Will You “Reconsume” the Near Past? Fast Prediction on Short-Term Reconsumption Behaviors |
5 | VELDA: Relating an Image Tweet’s Text and Images | Tao Chen, Hany M. SalahEldeen, Xiangnan He, Min-Yen Kan, Dongyuan Lu | We develop Visual-Emotional LDA (VELDA), a novel topic model to capturethe image-text correlation from multiple perspectives (namely, visual and emotional). |
6 | On Information Coverage for Location Category Based Point-of-Interest Recommendation | Xuefeng Chen, Yifeng Zeng, Gao Cong, Shengchao Qin, Yanping Xiang, Yuanshun Dai | We develop a greedy algorithm and further optimization to solve this challenging problem. |
7 | Visually Interpreting Names as Demographic Attributes by Exploiting Click-Through Data | Yan-Ying Chen, Yin-Hsi Kuo, Chun-Che Wu, Winston H. Hsu | We propose to associate a name and its likely demographic attributes by exploiting click-throughs between name queries and images with automatically detected facial attributes. |
8 | A New Granger Causal Model for Influence Evolution in Dynamic Social Networks: The Case of DBLP | Belkacem Chikhaoui, Mauricio Chiazzaro, Shengrui Wang | This paper addresses a new problem concerning the evolution of influence relationships between communities in dynamic social networks. |
9 | An Axiomatic Approach to Link Prediction | Sara Cohen, Aviv Zohar | We draw upon the motivation used in characterizations of ranking algorithms, as well as other celebrated results from social choice, and present an axiomatic basis for link prediction. |
10 | Perceiving Group Themes from Collective Social and Behavioral Information | Peng Cui, Tianyang Zhang, Fei Wang, Peng He | In this paper, we explicitly validate the interplay of collective social behavioral information and group themes using a large scale real dataset of online groups, and demonstrate the possibility of perceiving group themes from collective social and behavioral information. |
11 | Predicting the Demographics of Twitter Users from Website Traffic Data | Aron Culotta, Nirmal Ravi Kumar, Jennifer Cutler | In this paper, we predict the demographics of Twitter users based on whom they follow. Whereas most prior approaches rely on a supervised learning approach, in which individual users are labeled with demographics, we instead create a distantly labeled dataset by collecting audience measurement data for 1,500 websites (e.g., 50% of visitors to are estimated to have a bachelor’s degree). |
12 | High-Performance Distributed ML at Scale through Parameter Server Consistency Models | Wei Dai, Abhimanu Kumar, Jinliang Wei, Qirong Ho, Garth Gibson, Eric P. Xing | Inspired by this challenge, we study both the theoretical guarantees and empirical behavior of iterative-convergent ML algorithms in existing PS consistency models. |
13 | An EBMC-Based Approach to Selecting Types for Entity Filtering | Jiwei Ding, Wentao Ding, Wei Hu, Yuzhong Qu | In this paper, we propose a novel type selection approach based upon Budgeted Maximum Coverage (BMC), which can achieve integral optimization for the coverage quality of type filters. |
14 | Trust Models for RDF Data: Semantics and Complexity | Valeria Fionda, Gianluigi Greco | This paper embarks on a formal analysis of RDF data enriched with trust information by focusing on the characterization of its model-theoretic semantics and on the study of relevant reasoning problems. |
15 | Extended Property Paths: Writing More SPARQL Queries in a Succinct Way | Valeria Fionda, Giuseppe Pirrò, Mariano P. Consens | We introduce Extended Property Paths (EPPs), a significant enhancement of SPARQL property paths. |
16 | Lower and Upper Bounds for SPARQL Queries over OWL Ontologies | Birte Glimm, Yevgeny Kazakov, Ilianna Kollia, Giorgos Stamou | The paper presents an approach for optimizing the evaluation of SPARQL queries over OWL ontologies using SPARQL’s OWL Direct Semantics entailment regime. |
17 | FACES: Diversity-Aware Entity Summarization Using Incremental Hierarchical Conceptual Clustering | Kalpa Gunaratna, Krishnaparasad Thirunarayan, Amit Sheth | In this paper, we explore automatic summarization techniques that characterize and enable identification of an entity and create summaries that are human friendly. |
18 | TrustSVD: Collaborative Filtering with Both the Explicit and Implicit Influence of User Trust and of Item Ratings | Guibing Guo, Jie Zhang, Neil Yorke-Smith | To help resolve these issues, we propose TrustSVD, a trust-based matrix factorization technique. |
19 | A Stochastic Model for Detecting Heterogeneous Link Communities in Complex Networks | Dongxiao He, Dayou Liu, Di Jin, Weixiong Zhang | We propose a stochastic model, which not only describes the structure of link communities, but also considers the heterogeneous distribution of community sizes, a property which is often ignored by other models. |
20 | Prajna: Towards Recognizing Whatever You Want from Images without Image Labeling | Xian-Sheng Hua, Jin Li | In this paper, we present an end-to-end Web knowledge discovery system, Prajna. |
21 | Kernel Density Estimation for Text-Based Geolocation | Mans Hulden, Miikka Silfverberg, Jerid Francom | In this paper we investigate an enhancement of common methods for determining the geographic point of origin of a text document by kernel density estimation. |
22 | Cross-Modal Image Clustering via Canonical Correlation Analysis | Cheng Jin, Wenhui Mao, Ruiqi Zhang, Yuejie Zhang, Xiangyang Xue | A new algorithm via Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) is developed in this paper to support more effective cross-modal image clustering for large-scale annotated image collections. |
23 | Modeling with Node Degree Preservation Can Accurately Find Communities | Di Jin, Zheng Chen, Dongxiao He, Weixiong Zhang | Here we address this critical problem. |
24 | Estimating Temporal Dynamics of Human Emotions | Seungyeon Kim, Joonseok Lee, Guy Lebanon, Haesun Park | In this paper, we extend sentiment and mood analysis temporally and model emotions as a function of time based on temporal streams of blog posts authored by a specific author. |
25 | Uniform Interpolation and Forgetting for ALC Ontologies with ABoxes | Patrick Koopmann, Renate A. Schmidt | We present the first method that can compute uniform interpolants of any ALC ontology with ABoxes. |
26 | Using Matched Samples to Estimate the Effects of Exercise on Mental Health via Twitter | Virgile Landeiro Dos Reis, Aron Culotta | In this work, we estimate the effect of exercise on mental health from Twitter, relying on statistical matching methods to reduce confounding bias. |
27 | Consistent Knowledge Discovery from Evolving Ontologies | Freddy Lecue, Jeff Z Pan | Consistent Knowledge Discovery from Evolving Ontologies |
28 | Multi-Document Summarization Based on Two-Level Sparse Representation Model | He Liu, Hongliang Yu, Zhi-Hong Deng | Based on the data reconstruction and sentence denoising assumption, we present a two-level sparse representation model to depict the process of multi-document summarization. |
29 | COT: Contextual Operating Tensor for Context-Aware Recommender Systems | Qiang Liu, Shu Wu, Liang Wang | In this work, we propose Contextual Operating Tensor (COT) model, which represents the common semantic effects of contexts as a contextual operating tensor and represents a context as a latent vector. |
30 | Effectively Predicting Whether and When a Topic Will Become Prevalent in a Social Network | Weiwei Liu, Zhi-Hong Deng, Xiuwen Gong, Frank Jiang, Ivor W. Tsang | Effectively Predicting Whether and When a Topic Will Become Prevalent in a Social Network |
31 | Content-Based Collaborative Filtering for News Topic Recommendation | Zhongqi Lu, Zhicheng Dou, Jianxun Lian, Xing Xie, Qiang Yang | Therefore, in this paper, we propose a Content-based Collaborative Filtering approach (CCF) to bring both Content-based Filtering and Collaborative Filtering approaches together. |
32 | A Tri-Role Topic Model for Domain-Specific Question Answering | Zongyang Ma, Aixin Sun, Quan Yuan, Gao Cong | In this paper, we propose a Tri-Role Topic Model (TRTM) to model the tri-roles of users (i.e., as askers, answerers, and voters, respectively) and the activities of each role including composing question, selecting question to answer, contributing and voting answers. |
33 | Handling Owl:sameAs via Rewriting | Boris Motik, Yavor Nenov, Robert Edgar Felix Piro, Ian Horrocks | We investigate issues related to both the correctness and efficiency of rewriting, and present an algorithm that guarantees correctness, improves efficiency, and can be effectively parallelised. |
34 | Incorporating Assortativity and Degree Dependence into Scalable Network Models | Stephen Mussmann, John Moore, Joseph John Pfeiffer, Jennifer Neville | The contributions of our work are twofold. |
35 | Using Description Logics for RDF Constraint Checking and Closed-World Recognition | Peter F. Patel-Schneider | Using Description Logics for RDF Constraint Checking and Closed-World Recognition |
36 | Approximating Model-Based ABox Revision in DL-Lite: Theory and Practice | Guilin Qi, Zhe Wang, Kewen Wang, Xuefeng Fu, Zhiqiang Zhuang | In this paper, we make both theoretical and practical contribution to efficient computation of model-based revisions in DL-Lite. |
37 | Leveraging Social Foci for Information Seeking in Social Media | Suhas Ranganath, Jiliang Tang, Xia Hu, Hari Sundaram, Huan Liu | In this paper, we propose a novel framework to identify the social connections of a user able to satisfy his information needs. |
38 | Extracting Bounded-Level Modules from Deductive RDF Triplestores | Marie-Christine Rousset, Federico Ulliana | We present a novel semantics for extracting bounded-level modules from RDF ontologies and databases augmented with safe inference rules, a la Datalog. |
39 | Question/Answer Matching for CQA System via Combining Lexical and Sequential Information | Yikang Shen, Wenge Rong, Zhiwei Sun, Yuanxin Ouyang, Zhang Xiong | In this paper, a new architecture is proposed to more effectively model the complicated matching relations between questions and answers. |
40 | A Hybrid Approach of Classifier and Clustering for Solving the Missing Node Problem | Sigal Sina, Avi Rosenfeld, Sarit Kraus, Navot Akiva | In this paper, we propose a novel Hybrid Approach of Classifier and Clustering,a which we refer to as HACC, to solve the missing node identification problem in social networks. |
41 | Recommending Positive Links in Signed Social Networks by Optimizing a Generalized AUC | Dongjin Song, David A Meyer | To accomplish it, we propose ageneralized AUC (GAUC) to quantify the ranking performance ofpotential links (including positive, negative, and unknown statuslinks) in partially observed signed social networks. |
42 | Causal Inference via Sparse Additive Models with Application to Online Advertising | Wei Sun, Pengyuan Wang, Dawei Yin, Jian Yang, Yi Chang | In this paper we propose a novel two-stage causal inference framework for assessing the impact of complex ad treatments. |
43 | Sampling Representative Users from Large Social Networks | Jie Tang, Chenhui Zhang, Keke Cai, Li Zhang, Zhong Su | In this paper, we present a formal definition of the problem of \textbf{sampling representative users} from social network. |
44 | Relating Romanized Comments to News Articles by Inferring Multi-Glyphic Topical Correspondence | Goutham Tholpadi, Mrinal Kanti Das, Trapit Bansal, Chiranjib Bhattacharyya | In this paper, we extend the notion of correspondence to model multi-lingual, multi-script, and inter-lingual topics in a unified probabilistic model called the Multi-glyphic Correspondence Topic Model (MCTM). |
45 | Mining User Intents in Twitter: A Semi-Supervised Approach to Inferring Intent Categories for Tweets | Jinpeng Wang, Gao Cong, Xin Wayne Zhao, Xiaoming Li | In this paper, we propose to study the problem of identifying and classifying tweets into intent categories. |
46 | Burst Time Prediction in Cascades | Senzhang Wang, Zhao Yan, Xia Hu, Philip S. Yu, Zhoujun Li | To this end, this paper proposes a classification based approach for burst time prediction by utilizing and modeling rich knowledge in information diffusion. |
47 | Clustering-Based Collaborative Filtering for Link Prediction | Xiangyu Wang, Dayu He, Danyang Chen, Jinhui Xu | In this paper, we propose a novel collaborative filtering approach for predicting the unobserved links in a network (or graph) with both topological and node features. |
48 | Mining Query Subtopics from Questions in Community Question Answering | Yu Wu, Wei Wu, Zhoujun Li, Ming Zhou | This paper proposes mining query subtopics from questions in community question answering (CQA). |
49 | DynaDiffuse: A Dynamic Diffusion Model for Continuous Time Constrained Influence Maximization | Miao Xie, Qiusong Yang, Qing Wang, Gao Cong, Gerard de Melo | We introduce the continuous time constrained influence maximization problem for dynamic diffusion networks, based on a novel diffusion model called DynaDiffuse. |
50 | A Probabilistic Model for Bursty Topic Discovery in Microblogs | Xiaohui Yan, Jiafeng Guo, Yanyan Lan, Jun Xu, Xueqi Cheng | This work develops a novel probabilistic model, namely Bursty Biterm Topic Model (BBTM), to deal with the task. |
51 | On the Scalable Learning of Stochastic Blockmodel | Bo Yang, Xuehua Zhao | To address this issue, we present a novel SBM learning algorithm referred to as BLOS (BLOckwise Sbm learning). |
52 | RAIN: Social Role-Aware Information Diffusion | Yang Yang, Jie Tang, Cane Wing-ki Leung, Yizhou Sun, Qicong Chen, Juanzi Li, Qiang Yang | In this paper, we study the interplay between users’ social roles and their influence on information diffusion. |
53 | Collaborative Topic Ranking: Leveraging Item Meta-Data for Sparsity Reduction | Weilong Yao, Jing He, Hua Wang, Yanchun Zhang, Jie Cao | To alleviate this problem, in this paper, we propose a novel hierarchical Bayesian framework which incorporates “bag-of-words” type meta-data on items into pair-wise ranking models for one-class collaborative filtering. |
54 | Robust Image Sentiment Analysis Using Progressively Trained and Domain Transferred Deep Networks | Quanzeng You, Jiebo Luo, Hailin Jin, Jianchao Yang | Motivated by the needs in leveraging large scale yet noisy training data to solve the extremely challenging problem of image sentiment analysis, we employ Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). |
55 | Are Features Equally Representative? A Feature-Centric Recommendation | Chenyi Zhang, Ke Wang, Ee-peng Lim, Qinneng Xu, Jianling Sun, Hongkun Yu | We demonstrate this approach by turning the traditional item-centric latent factor model into a feature-centric solution and demonstrate its superiority over item-centric approaches. |
56 | Incorporating Implicit Link Preference Into Overlapping Community Detection | Hongyi Zhang, Irwin King, Michael R. Lyu | In this paper, we propose a preference-based nonnegative matrix factorization (PNMF) model to incorporate implicit link preference information. |
57 | Retweet Behavior Prediction Using Hierarchical Dirichlet Process | Qi Zhang, Yeyun Gong, Ya Guo, Xuanjing Huang | In this work, we propose a novel method using non-parametric statistical models to combine structural, textual, and temporal information together to predict retweet behavior. |
58 | Exploring Key Concept Paraphrasing Based on Pivot Language Translation for Question Retrieval | Wei-Nan Zhang, Zhao-Yan Ming, Yu Zhang, Ting Liu, Tat-Seng Chua | In this paper, we explore a pivot language translation based approach to derive the paraphrases of key concepts. |
59 | Representation Learning for Aspect Category Detection in Online Reviews | Xinjie Zhou, Xiaojun Wan, Jianguo Xiao | In this paper, we propose a representation learning approach to automatically learn useful features for aspect category detection. |
60 | Person Identification Using Anthropometric and Gait Data from Kinect Sensor | Virginia Ortiz Andersson, Ricardo Matsumura Araujo | In this paper, we report on experiments using a novel data set composed of 140 individuals walking in front of a Microsoft Kinect sensor. |
61 | R1SVM: A Randomised Nonlinear Approach to Large-Scale Anomaly Detection | Sarah M. Erfani, Mahsa Baktashmotlagh, Sutharshan Rajasegarar, Shanika Karunasekera, Chris Leckie | In this paper we leverage the theoryof nonlinear random projections and propose the RandomisedOne-class SVM (R1SVM), which is an efficient and scalableanomaly detection technique that can be trained on large-scale datasets. |
62 | Personalized Tag Recommendation through Nonlinear Tensor Factorization Using Gaussian Kernel | Xiaomin Fang, Rong Pan, Guoxiang Cao, Xiuqiang He, Wenyuan Dai | In this paper, we propose a novel method for personalized tag recommendation, which can be considered as a nonlinear extension of Canonical Decomposition. |
63 | A Multivariate Timeseries Modeling Approach to Severity of Illness Assessment and Forecasting in ICU with Sparse, Heterogeneous Clinical Data | Marzyeh Ghassemi, Marco A.F. Pimentel, Tristan Naumann, Thomas Brennan, David A. Clifton, Peter Szolovits, Mengling Feng | We evaluate the use of multivariate timeseries modeling with the multi-task Gaussian process (GP) models using noisy, incomplete, sparse, heterogeneous and unevenly-sampled clinical data, including both physiological signals and clinical notes. |
64 | Probabilistic Graphical Models for Boosting Cardinal and Ordinal Peer Grading in MOOCs | Fei Mi, Dit-Yan Yeung | In this paper, we seek to study both cardinal and ordinal aspects of peer grading within a common framework. |
65 | Efficient Computation of Semivalues for Game-Theoretic Network Centrality | Piotr Lech Szczepański, Mateusz Krzysztof Tarkowski, Tomasz Paweł Michalak, Paul Harrenstein, Michael Wooldridge | In an attempt to address the computational issues of game-theoretic network centrality, we present a generic framework for constructing game-theoretic network centralities. |
66 | Embedded Unsupervised Feature Selection | Suhang Wang, Jiliang Tang, Huan Liu | In this paper, we propose a novel unsupervisedfeature selection algorithm EUFS, which directlyembeds feature selection into a clustering algorithm viasparse learning without the transformation. |
67 | Learning User-Specific Latent Influence and Susceptibility from Information Cascades | Yongqing Wang, Huawei Shen, Shenghua Liu, Xueqi Cheng | Here we propose to model the cascade dynamics by learning two low-dimensional user-specific vectors from observed cascades, capturing their influence and susceptibility respectively. |
68 | Kickback Cuts Backprop’s Red-Tape: Biologically Plausible Credit Assignment in Neural Networks | David Balduzzi, Hastagiri Vanchinathan, Joachim Buhmann | In this paper, we revisit Backprop and the credit assignment problem. |
69 | An Agent-Based Model of the Emergence and Transmission of a Language System for the Expression of Logical Combinations | Josefina Sierra-Santibanez | This paper presents an agent-based model of the emergence and transmission of a language system for the expression of logical combinations of propositions. |
70 | Moral Decision-Making by Analogy: Generalizations versus Exemplars | Joseph A. Blass, Kenneth D. Forbus | This paper explores the use of analogical generalizations to improve moral reasoning. |
71 | AffectiveSpace 2: Enabling Affective Intuition for Concept-Level Sentiment Analysis | Erik Cambria, Jie Fu, Federica Bisio, Soujanya Poria | AffectiveSpace 2: Enabling Affective Intuition for Concept-Level Sentiment Analysis |
72 | Dialogue Understanding in a Logic of Action and Belief | Alfredo Gabaldon, Pat Langley | In this paper, we analyze both aspects of the architecture in terms of the Situation Calculus — a classicallogic for reasoning about dynamical systems — and give a specification of the inference task the system performs. |
73 | Automated Construction of Visual-Linguistic Knowledge via Concept Learning from Cartoon Videos | Jung-Woo Ha, Kyung-Min Kim, Byoung-Tak Zhang | We present the model of deep concept hierarchy (DCH) that enables the progressive abstraction of concept knowledge in multiple levels. |
74 | Bayesian Affect Control Theory of Self | Jesse Hoey, Tobias Schroeder | We propose here a Bayesian generalization of the sociological affect control theory of self as a theoretical foundation for socio-affectively skilled artificial agents. |
75 | Heuristic Induction of Rate-Based Process Models | Pat Langley, Adam Arvay | This paper presents a novel approach to inductive process modeling, the task of constructing a quantitative account of dynamical behavior from time-series data and background knowledge. |
76 | Spontaneous Retrieval from Long-Term Memory for a Cognitive Architecture | Justin Li, John Laird | This paper presents the first functional evaluation of spontaneous, uncued retrieval from long-term memory in a cognitive architecture. |
77 | Learning Plausible Inferences from Semantic Web Knowledge by Combining Analogical Generalization with Structured Logistic Regression | Chen Liang, Kenneth D. Forbus | This paper applies structured logistic regression with analogical generalization (SLogAn) to make use of structural as well as statistical information to achieve rapid and robust learning. |
78 | Ontology-Based Information Extraction with a Cognitive Agent | Peter Lindes, Deryle W. Lonsdale, David W. Embley | In this paper we describe a machine reading system that we have developed within a cognitive architecture. |
79 | Extending Analogical Generalization with Near-Misses | Matthew D. McLure, Scott E. Friedman, Kenneth D. Forbus | This paper introduces Analogical Learning by Integrating Generalization and Near-misses (ALIGN) and describes three key advances. |
80 | Automatic Ellipsis Resolution: Recovering Covert Information from Text | Marjorie McShane, Petr Babkin | The key insight of the work presented here is that not all cases of ellipsis are equally difficult: some can be detected and resolved with high confidence even before we are able to build agents with full human-level semantic and pragmatic understanding of text. |
81 | Inference Graphs: Combining Natural Deduction and Subsumption Inference in a Concurrent Reasoner | Daniel R. Schlegel, Stuart C Shapiro | Inference Graphs: Combining Natural Deduction and Subsumption Inference in a Concurrent Reasoner |
82 | An Entorhinal-Hippocampal Model for Simultaneous Cognitive Map Building | Miaolong Yuan, Bo Tian, Vui Ann Shim, Huajin Tang, Haizhou Li | This paper presents a novel computational model to build cognitive maps of real environments using both place cells and grid cells. |
83 | An Association Network for Computing Semantic Relatedness | Keyang Zhang, Kenny Zhu, Seung-won Hwang | We propose to expand lexical coverage and overcome sparseness by constructing an association network of terms and concepts that combines signals from free association norms and five types of co-occurrences extracted from therich structures of Wikipedia. |
84 | Influence-Driven Model for Time Series Prediction from Partial Observations | Saima Aman, Charalampos Chelmis, Viktor K. Prasanna | We propose a novel solution to the problem of making short term predictions in absence of real-time data from sensors. |
85 | Sharing Rides with Friends: A Coalition Formation Algorithm for Ridesharing | Filippo Bistaffa, Alessandro Farinelli, Sarvapali D. Ramchurn | We consider the Social Ridesharing (SR) problem, where a set of commuters, connected through a social network, arrange one-time rides at short notice. |
86 | Best-Response Planning of Thermostatically Controlled Loads under Power Constraints | Frits de Nijs, Matthijs T. J. Spaan, Mathijs M. de Weerdt | In this paper we investigate the use of planning under uncertainty to pro-actively control an aggregation of TCLs to overcome temporary grid imbalance. |
87 | FutureMatch: Combining Human Value Judgments and Machine Learning to Match in Dynamic Environments | John P. Dickerson, Tuomas Sandholm | Motivated by our experience running the computational side of a large nationwide kidney exchange, we present FutureMatch, a framework for learning to match in a general dynamic model. |
88 | Energy Disaggregation via Learning Powerlets and Sparse Coding | Ehsan Elhamifar, Shankar Sastry | In this paper, we consider the problem of energy disaggregation, i.e., decomposing a whole home electricity signal into its component appliances. |
89 | Pattern Decomposition with Complex Combinatorial Constraints: Application to Materials Discovery | Stefano Ermon, Ronan Le Bras, Santosh K. Suram, John M. Gregoire, Carla P. Gomes, Bart Selman, Robert B. van Dover | Motivated by a pattern decomposition problem in materials discovery, aimed at discovering new materials for renewable energy, e.g. for fuel and solar cells, we introduce CombiFD, a framework for factor based pattern decomposition that allows the incorporation of a-priori knowledge as constraints, including complex combinatorial constraints. |
90 | Learning Large-Scale Dynamic Discrete Choice Models of Spatio-Temporal Preferences with Application to Migratory Pastoralism in East Africa | Stefano Ermon, Yexiang Xue, Russell Toth, Bistra Dilkina, Richard Bernstein, Theodoros Damoulas, Patrick Clark, Steve DeGloria, Andrew Mude, Christopher Barrett, Carla P. Gomes | In this paper we consider the problem of inferring agents’ preferences from observed movement trajectories, and formulate it as an Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL) problem . |
91 | A Nonparametric Online Model for Air Quality Prediction | Vitor Campanholo Guizilini, Fabio Tozeto Ramos | We introduce a novel method for the continuous online prediction of particulate matter in the air (more specifically, PM10 and PM2.5) given sparse sensor information. |
92 | Power System Restoration With Transient Stability | Hassan Hijazi, Terrence W.K. Mak, Pascal Van Hentenryck | In this paper, we show how to integrate transient stability in the optimization procedure by capturing the rotor dynamics of power generators. |
93 | Aggregating Electric Cars to Sustainable Virtual Power Plants: The Value of Flexibility in Future Electricity Markets | Micha Kahlen, Wolfgang Ketter | We developed an algorithm that determines for a fleet of electric vehicles, which EV at what price and location to commit to the operating reserve market to either absorb excess capacity or provide electricity during shortages (vehicle-2-grid). |
94 | Energy Usage Behavior Modeling in Energy Disaggregation via Marked Hawkes Process | Liangda Li, Hongyuan Zha | To model such relationship, we combine topic models with Hawkes processes, and propose a novel probabilistic model based on marked Hawkes process that enables the modeling of marked event data. |
95 | HVAC-Aware Occupancy Scheduling | BoonPing Lim, Menkes van den Briel, Sylvie Thiebaux, Scott Backhaus, Russell Bent | We obtain substantial energy reduction in comparison with occupancy-based HVAC control using arbitrary schedules or using schedules obtained by existing heuristic energy-aware scheduling approaches. |
96 | Data Analysis and Optimization for (Citi)Bike Sharing | Eoin O'Mahony, David B. Shmoys | In this paper, we tackle the problem of maintaing system balance during peak rush-hour usageas well as rebalancing overnight to prepare the systemfor rush-hour usage. |
97 | Towards Optimal Solar Tracking: A Dynamic Programming Approach | Athanasios Aris Panagopoulos, Georgios Chalkiadakis, Nicholas Robert Jennings | In this paper, we propose a policy iteration method (along with specialized variants), which is able to calculate near-optimal trajectories for effective and efficient day-ahead solar tracking, based on weather forecasts coming from on-line providers. |
98 | Risk Based Optimization for Improving Emergency Medical Systems | Sandhya Saisubramanian, Pradeep Varakantham, Hoong Chuin Lau | To allow for ”live” reallocation of ambulances, we provide a decomposition method based on Lagrangian Relaxation to significantly reduce the run-time of the optimization formulation.Finally, we provide an exhaustive evaluation on real-world datasets from two asian cities that demonstrates the improvement provided by our approach over current practice and the best known approach from literature. |
99 | Predisaster Preparation of Transportation Networks | Hermann Schichl, Meinolf Sellmann | In particular, we introduce a new type of extreme resource constraint and develop a practically efficient propagation algorithm for it. |
100 | SmartShift: Expanded Load Shifting Incentive Mechanism for Risk-Averse Consumers | Bochao Shen, Balakrishnan Narayanaswamy, Ravi Sundaram | We present a formal framework for the incentive model that is applicable to different forms of the electricity market. |
101 | Incentivizing Users for Balancing Bike Sharing Systems | Adish Singla, Marco Santoni, Gábor Bartók, Pratik Mukerji, Moritz Meenen, Andreas Krause | In this paper, we address this question and present a crowdsourcing mechanism that incentivizes the users in the bike repositioning process by providing them with alternate choices to pick or return bikes in exchange for monetary incentives. |
102 | A Simulator of Human Emergency Mobility Following Disasters: Knowledge Transfer from Big Disaster Data | Xuan Song, Quanshi Zhang, Yoshihide Sekimoto, Ryosuke Shibasaki, Nicholas Jing Yuan, Xing Xie | Hence, in this paper,we collect big and heterogeneous data (e.g. 1.6 million users’ GPS records in three years, 17520 times of Japan earthquake data in four years, news reporting data, transportation network data and etc.) to capture and analyze human emergency mobility following different disasters. |
103 | Real-Time Predictive Optimization for Energy Management in a Hybrid Electric Vehicle | Alexander David Styler, Illah Reza Nourbakhsh | In this work, we propose and evaluate a novel, real-time optimization strategy that leverages predictions from prior data in a simulated hybrid battery-supercapacitor energy management task. |
104 | Automatic Generation of Alternative Starting Positions for Simple Traditional Board Games | Umair Z. Ahmed, Krishnendu Chatterjee, Sumit Gulwani | In this paper, we address the problem of generating targeted starting positions for such games. |
105 | Continuity Editing for 3D Animation | Quentin Galvane, Rémi Ronfard, Christophe Lino, Marc Christie | We describe an optimization-based approach for automatically creating well-edited movies from a 3D animation. |
106 | Assessing the Robustness of Cremer-McLean with Automated Mechanism Design | Michael Albert, Vincent Conitzer, Giuseppe Lopomo | In this paper, we use an automated mechanism design approach to assess how sensitive the Cremer-McLean result is to relaxing its main technical assumption. |
107 | Online Learning and Profit Maximization from Revealed Preferences | Kareem Amin, Rachel Cummings, Lili Dworkin, Michael Kearns, Aaron Roth | We consider the problem of learning from revealed preferences in an online setting. |
108 | Approximating Optimal Social Choice under Metric Preferences | Elliot Anshelevich, Onkar Bhardwaj, John Postl | We examine the quality of social choice mechanisms using a utilitarian view, in which all of the agents have costs for each of the possible alternatives. |
109 | Justified Representation in Approval-Based Committee Voting | Haris Aziz, Markus Brill, Vincent Conitzer, Edith Elkind, Rupert Freeman, Toby Walsh | We propose a natural axiom for this setting, which we call justified representation (JR). |
110 | Audit Games with Multiple Defender Resources | Jeremiah Blocki, Nicolas Christin, Anupam Datta, Ariel D. Procaccia, Arunesh Sinha | We significantly generalize this audit game model to account for multiple audit resources where each resource is restricted to audit a subset of all potential violations, thus enabling application to practical auditing scenarios. |
111 | Learning Valuation Distributions from Partial Observation | Avrim Blum, Yishay Mansour, Jame Morgenstern | In this work, we consider the problem of learning bidders’ val- uation distributions from much weaker forms of obser- vations. |
112 | Sequence-Form Algorithm for Computing Stackelberg Equilibria in Extensive-Form Games | Branislav Bosansky, Jiri Cermak | We extend the existing algorithmic work to extensive-form games and introduce novel algorithm for computing Stackelberg equilibria that exploits the compact sequence-form representation of strategies. |
113 | Combining Compact Representation and Incremental Generation in Large Games with Sequential Strategies | Branislav Bosansky, Albert Xin Jiang, Milind Tambe, Christopher Kiekintveld | In this paper, we present novel hybrid of these two approaches: compact-strategy double-oracle (CS-DO) algorithm that combines the advantages of the compact representation with incremental strategy generation. |
114 | Strategic Voting and Strategic Candidacy | Markus Brill, Vincent Conitzer | In this paper, we extend the analysis to also include strategic behavior on the part of the voters. |
115 | A Faster Core Constraint Generation Algorithm for Combinatorial Auctions | Benedikt Bünz, Sven Seuken, Benjamin Lubin | In this paper, we present a new algorithm that significantly outperforms the current state of the art. |
116 | Price Evolution in a Continuous Double Auction Prediction Market With a Scoring-Rule Based Market Maker | Mithun Chakraborty, Sanmay Das, Justin Peabody | In this paper, we study the properties of CDA prediction markets with zero-intelligence traders in which an LMSR-style market maker participates actively. |
117 | Computing Nash Equilibrium in Interdependent Defense Games | Hau Chan, Luis Ortiz | In this paper, our focus is the study of the problem of computing a Nash Equilibrium (NE) in IDD games. |
118 | Fair Information Sharing for Treasure Hunting | Yiling Chen, Kobbi Nissim, Bo Waggoner | In order to formalize the planner’s goals of fairness and reduced search cost, we propose a simplified, simulated game as a benchmark and quantify fairness and search cost relative to this benchmark scenario. |
119 | Conventional Machine Learning for Social Choice | John A. Doucette, Kate Larson, Robin Cohen | We show that suitable predictive features can be extracted from the data, and demonstrate the high performance of our new framework on the ballots from many real world elections, including comparisons with existing techniques for voting with partial orderings. |
120 | The Complexity of Recognizing Incomplete Single-Crossing Preferences | Edith Elkind, Piotr Faliszewski, Martin Lackner, Svetlana Obraztsova | We study the complexity of deciding if a given profile of incomplete votes (i.e., a profile of partial orders over a given set of alternatives) can be extended to a single-crossing profile of complete votes (total orders). |
121 | A Unifying Hierarchy of Valuations with Complements and Substitutes | Uriel Feige, Michal Feldman, Nicole Immorlica, Rani Izsak, Brendan Lucier, Vasilis Syrgkanis | We introduce a new hierarchy over monotone set functions, that we refer to as MPH (Maximum over Positive Hypergraphs). |
122 | Do Capacity Constraints Constrain Coalitions? | Michal Feldman, Ofir Geri | In this work we combine these variants and analyze strong equilibria (profiles where no coalition can deviate) in capacitated games. |
123 | A Mechanism Design Approach to Measure Awareness | Diodato Ferraioli, Carmine Ventre, Gabor Aranyi | In this paper, we study protocols that allow to discern conscious and unconscious decisions of human beings; i.e., protocols that measure awareness. |
124 | Facility Location with Double-Peaked Preferences | Aris Filos-Ratsikas, Minming Li, Jie Zhang, Qiang Zhang | As our main contribution, we present a simple truthful-in-expectation mechanism that achieves an approximation ratio of 1+b/c for both the social and the maximum cost, where b is the distance of the agent from the peak and c is the minimum cost of an agent. |
125 | Elicitation for Aggregation | Rafael M. Frongillo, Yiling Chen, Ian A. Kash | We study the problem of eliciting and aggregating probabilistic information from multiple agents. |
126 | A Complexity Approach for Core-Selecting Exchange with Multiple Indivisible Goods under Lexicographic Preferences | Etsushi Fujita, Julien Lesca, Akihisa Sonoda, Taiki Todo, Makoto Yokoo | We propose an exchange rule called augmented top-trading-cycles (ATTC) procedure based on the original TTC procedure. |
127 | Security Games with Protection Externalities | Jiarui Gan, Bo An, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik | On the positive side, we propose a novel column generation based approach—CLASPE—to solve SPEs. |
128 | Strategy-Proof and Efficient Kidney Exchange Using a Credit Mechanism | Chen Hajaj, John P. Dickerson, Avinatan Hassidim, Tuomas Sandholm, David Sarne | We present a credit-based matching mechanism for dynamic barter markets — and kidney exchange in particular — that is both strategy proof and efficient, that is, it guarantees truthful disclosure of donor-patient pairs from the transplant centers and results in the maximum global matching. |
129 | Hedonic Coalition Formation in Networks | Martin Hoefer, Daniel Vaz, Lisa Wagner | We capture and study this aspect using a novel network-based model for dynamic locality within the popular framework of hedonic coalition formation games. |
130 | Matching with Dynamic Ordinal Preferences | Hadi Hosseini, Kate Larson, Robin Cohen | We consider the problem of repeatedly matching a set of alternatives to a set of agents with dynamic ordinal preferences. |
131 | On a Competitive Secretary Problem | Anna Karlin, Eric Lei | In this paper, we address this question by studying a generalization of the classical secretary problem from optimal stopping theory: a set of ranked employers compete to hire from the same random stream of employees, and each employer wishes to hire the best candidate in the bunch. |
132 | Controlled School Choice with Soft Bounds and Overlapping Types | Ryoji Kurata, Masahiro Goto, Atsushi Iwasaki, Makoto Yokoo | Thus, we propose an alternative model and an alternative stability definition, where a school has reserved seats for each type. |
133 | Optimal Personalized Filtering Against Spear-Phishing Attacks | Aron Laszka, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik, Xenofon Koutsoukos | In this paper, we assume that a learned classifier is given and propose strategic per-user filtering thresholds for mitigating spear-phishing attacks. |
134 | Stable Invitations | Hooyeon Lee, Yoav Shoham | We consider the situation in which an organizer is trying to convenean event, and needs to choose whom out of a given set of agents to invite.Agents have preferences over how many attendees should be at the eventand possibly also who the attendees should be.This induces a stability requirement: All invited agents should preferattending to not attending, and all the other agents should not regretbeing not invited.The organizer’s objective is to find an invitation of maximum size,subject to the stability requirement. |
135 | The Pricing War Continues: On Competitive Multi-Item Pricing | Omer Lev, Joel Oren, Craig Boutilier, Jeffrey S. Rosenschein | We study a game with \emph{strategic} vendors (the agents) who own multiple items and a single buyer with a submodular valuation function. |
136 | Cooperative Game Solution Concepts that Maximize Stability under Noise | Yuqian Li, Vincent Conitzer | In this context, we investigate which solution concepts maximize the probability of ex-post stability (after the true values are revealed). |
137 | Congestion Games with Distance-Based Strict Uncertainty | Reshef Meir, David Parkes | We take a non-probabilistic approach, assuming that each agent knows that the number of agents using an edge is within a certain range. |
138 | On the Convergence of Iterative Voting: How Restrictive Should Restricted Dynamics Be? | Svetlana Obraztsova, Evangelos Markakis, Maria Polukarov, Zinovi Rabinovich, Nicholas R. Jennings | We study convergence properties of iterative voting procedures. |
139 | Voting Rules As Error-Correcting Codes | Ariel D. Procaccia, Nisarg Shah, Yair Zick | We present the first model of optimal voting under adversarial noise. |
140 | Analysis of Equilibria in Iterative Voting Schemes | Zinovi Rabinovich, Svetlana Obraztsova, Omer Lev, Evangelos Markakis, Jeffrey S. Rosenschein | We start with the basic model of plurality voting. |
141 | Incentives for Subjective Evaluations with Private Beliefs | Goran Radanovic, Boi Faltings | Nevertheless, we provide a modified version of a divergence-based Bayesian Truth Serum that incentivizes agents to report consistently, making truthful reporting a weak equilibrium of the mechanism. |
142 | Envy-Free Cake-Cutting in Two Dimensions | Erel Segal-Halevi, Avinatan Hassidim, Yonatan Aumann | We thus introduce and study the problem of envy-free two-dimensional division wherein the utility of the agents depends on the geometric shape of the allocated pieces (as well as the location and size). |
143 | Truthful Mechanisms without Money for Non-Utilitarian Heterogeneous Facility Location | Paolo Serafino, Carmine Ventre | In this paper, we consider the facility location problem un- der a novel model recently proposed in the literature, which combines the no-money constraint (i.e. the impossibility to employ monetary transfers between the mechanism and the agents) with the presence of heterogeneous facilities, i.e. facilities serving different purposes. |
144 | A Graphical Representation for Games in Partition Function Form | Oskar Skibski, Tomasz P. Michalak, Yuko Sakurai, Michael Wooldridge, Makoto Yokoo | We propose a novel representation for coalitional games with externalities, called Partition Decision Trees. |
145 | A Stackelberg Game Approach for Incentivizing Participation in Online Educational Forums with Heterogeneous Student Population | Rohith Dwarakanath Vallam, Priyanka Bhatt, Debmalya Mandal, Narahari Y. | In an effort to address this problem, we propose an incentive-based, instructor-driven approach to orchestrate the interactions in online educational forums (OEFs). |
146 | Mechanism Design for Team Formation | Mason Wright, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik | We present the first formal mechanism design framework for team formation, building on recent combinatorial matching market design literature. |
147 | Exploring Information Asymmetry in Two-Stage Security Games | Haifeng Xu, Zinovi Rabinovich, Shaddin Dughmi, Milind Tambe | In this paper, we propose an approach for improving the defender’s utility in such scenarios. |
148 | Balanced Trade Reduction for Dual-Role Exchange Markets | Dengji Zhao, Sarvapali D. Ramchurn, Enrico H. Gerding, Nicholas R. Jennings | Hence, to combat this problem, following McAfee’s trade reduction approach, we propose a new trade reduction mechanism, called balanced trade reduction, that is incentive compatible and also provides flexible trade-offs between efficiency and deficit. |
149 | Optimal Machine Strategies to Commit to in Two-Person Repeated Games | Song Zuo, Pingzhong Tang | In this paper, we consider the problem of computing optimal leader’s machine to commit to in two-person repeated game, where the follower also plays a machine strategy. |
150 | Optimal Column Subset Selection by A-Star Search | Hiromasa Arai, Crystal Maung, Haim Schweitzer | We show how to model the problem as a graph search, and propose a heuristic based on eigenvalues of related matrices. |
151 | Limitations of Front-To-End Bidirectional Heuristic Search | Joseph K. Barker, Richard E. Korf | We present an intuitive explanation for the limited effectiveness of front-to-end bidirectional heuristic search, supported with extensive evidence from many commonly-studied domains. |
152 | Incremental Weight Elicitation for Multiobjective State Space Search | Nawal Benabbou, Patrice Perny | This paper proposes incremental preference elicitation methods for multiobjective state space search. |
153 | Complexity Results for Compressing Optimal Paths | Adi Botea, Ben Strasser, Daniel Harabor | In this work we give a first tractability analysis of Compressed Path Databases, space efficient oracles used to very quickly identify the first arc on a shortest path. |
154 | Two Weighting Local Search for Minimum Vertex Cover | Shaowei Cai, Jinkun Lin, Kaile Su | In this paper, we propose a vertex weighting scheme to address this shortcoming, and combine it within the current best MinVC local search algorithm NuMVC, leading to a new algorithm called TwMVC. |
155 | Efficient Benchmarking of Hyperparameter Optimizers via Surrogates | Katharina Eggensperger, Frank Hutter, Holger Hoos, Kevin Leyton-Brown | In this work, we introduce another option: cheap-to-evaluate surrogates of real hyperparameter optimization benchmarks that share the same hyperparameter spaces and feature similar response surfaces. |
156 | Convergent Plans for Large-Scale Evacuations | Caroline Even, Victor Pillac, Pascal Van Hentenryck | This paper introduces the concept of convergent evacuation plans to tackle this issue. |
157 | Initializing Bayesian Hyperparameter Optimization via Meta-Learning | Matthias Feurer, Jost Tobias Springenberg, Frank Hutter | In this paper we mimic a strategy human domain experts use: speed up optimization by starting from promising configurations that performed well on similar datasets. |
158 | Stochastic Local Search for Satisfiability Modulo Theories | Andreas Fröhlich, Armin Biere, Christoph M. Wintersteiger, Youssef Hamadi | In this paper, we present a novel stochastic local search (SLS) algorithm to solve SMT problems, especially those in the theory of bit-vectors, directly on the theory level. |
159 | Lagrangian Decomposition Algorithm for Allocating Marketing Channels | Daisuke Hatano, Takuro Fukunaga, Takanori Maehara, Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi | In this paper, we formulate a new problem related to the well-known influence maximization in the context of computational advertising. |
160 | Recursive Best-First Search with Bounded Overhead | Matthew Hatem, Scott Kiesel, Wheeler Ruml | In this paper, we present two simple techniques for improving the performance of RBFS while maintaining its advantages over IDA*. |
161 | Reusing Previously Found A* Paths for Fast Goal-Directed Navigation in Dynamic Terrain | Carlos Hernandez, Roberto Asin, Jorge A Baier | In this paper we show how GAA* can be modified to exploit more information from a previous search in addition to the updated heuristic function. |
162 | Pruning Game Tree by Rollouts | Bojun Huang | In this paper we show that the alpha-beta algorithm and its successor MT-SSS*, as two classic minimax search algorithms, can be implemented asrollout algorithms, a generic algorithmic paradigm widely used in many domains. |
163 | Solving Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems Using Logic Programming | Tiep Le, Tran Cao Son, Enrico Pontelli, William Yeoh | This paper explores the use of answer set programming (ASP) in solving distributed constraint optimization problems (DCOPs). |
164 | Value-Directed Compression of Large-Scale Assignment Problems | Tyler Lu, Craig Boutilier | Modeling such (generalized) assignment problems as linear programs, we propose a generalvalue-directed compression technique for solving such problems at scale. |
165 | On Unconstrained Quasi-Submodular Function Optimization | Jincheng Mei, Kang Zhao, Bao-Liang Lu | In this paper, we focus on quasi-submodularity, a universal generalization, which satisfies weaker properties than submodularity but still enjoys favorable performance in optimization. |
166 | Improved Local Search for Binary Matrix Factorization | Seyed Hamid Mirisaee, Eric Gaussier, Alexandre Termier | We show in particular that the proposed solution is in general faster than the previously proposed ones. |
167 | A Theoretical Analysis of Optimization by Gaussian Continuation | Hossein Mobahi, John W. Fisher III | Here, we provide a theoretical analysis that provides a bound on the endpoint solution of the continuation method. |
168 | Solving Hard Stable Matching Problems via Local Search and Cooperative Parallelization | Danny Munera, Daniel Diaz, Salvador Abreu, Francesca Rossi, Vijay Saraswat, Philippe Codognet | We address this problem using a local search technique, based on Adaptive Search and present experimental evidence that this approach is much more efficient than state-of-the-art exact and approximate methods. |
169 | BDD-Constrained Search: A Unified Approach to Constrained Shortest Path Problems | Masaaki Nishino, Norihito Yasuda, Shin-ichi Minato, Masaaki Nagata | The important feature of BCS is that it can be applied to problems with various types of logical constraints in a unified way once we represent the constraints as a BDD. |
170 | Exploiting Variable Associations to Configure Efficient Local Search in Large-Scale Set Partitioning Problems | Shunji Umetani | We present a data mining approach for reducing the search space of local search algorithms in large-scale set partitioning problems (SPPs). |
171 | Resilient Upgrade of Electrical Distribution Grids | Emre Yamangil, Russell Bent, Scott Backhaus | We formulate an optimal electrical distribution grid design problem as a two-stage, stochastic mixed-integer program with damage scenarios from natural disasters modeled as a set of stochastic events. |
172 | TDS+: Improving Temperature Discovery Search | Yeqin Zhang, Martin Müller | Temperature and mean are important concepts in combinatorial game theory, which can be used to develop efficient algorithms for playing well in a sum of subgames. |
173 | Massively Parallel A* Search on a GPU | Yichao Zhou, Jianyang Zeng | In this paper, we propose the first parallel variant of the A* search algorithm such that the search process of an agent can be accelerated by a single GPU processor in a massively parallel fashion. |
174 | Novel Mechanisms for Online Crowdsourcing with Unreliable, Strategic Agents | Praphul Chandra, Yadati Narahari, Debmalya Mandal, Prasenjit Dey | For this setting, we propose two mechanisms: a DPM (DynamicPrice Mechanism) and an ABM (Auction Based Mechanism). |
175 | Acquiring Speech Transcriptions Using Mismatched Crowdsourcing | Preethi Jyothi, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson | We follow an information-theoretic approach to this problem: (1) We learn the characteristics of a noisy channel that models the transcribers’ systematic perception biases. |
176 | Incentive Networks | Yuezhou Lv, Thomas Moscibroda | In this work, we study an alternative approach — Incentive Networks — in which a participant’s reward depends not only on his own contribution; but also in part on the contributions made by his social contacts or friends. |
177 | Collaboration in Social Problem-Solving: When Diversity Trumps Network Efficiency | Diego Noble, Marcelo Prates, Daniel Bossle, Luís Lamb | In this paper we analyse a recent social problem-solving model and attempt to address its shortcomings. |
178 | CrowdWON: A Modelling Language for Crowd Processes based on Workflow Nets | David Sanchez-Charles, Victor Muntes-Mulero, Marc Sole, Jordi Nin | In this paper, we propose CrowdWON, a new graphical framework to describe and monitor crowd processes, the proposed language is able to represent the workflow of most well-known existing applications, extend previous modelling frameworks, and assist in the future generation of crowdsourcing platforms. |
179 | On the Impossibility of Convex Inference in Human Computation | Nihar B. Shah, Dengyong Zhou | In this paper, we investigate this convexity issue for human computation. |
180 | Crowdsourcing Complex Workflows under Budget Constraints | Long Tran-Thanh, Trung Dong Huynh, Avi Rosenfeld, Sarvapali D. Ramchurn, Nicholas R. Jennings | We propose Budgeteer, an algorithm to solve this problem under a budget constraint. |
181 | Efficient Task Sub-Delegation for Crowdsourcing | Han Yu, Chunyan Miao, Zhiqi Shen, Cyril Leung, Yiqiang Chen, Qiang Yang | In this paper, we proposed a reputation aware task sub-delegation (RTS) approach to bridge this gap. |
182 | When Suboptimal Rules | Avshalom Elmalech, David Sarne, Avi Rosenfeld, Eden Shalom Erez | This paper represents a paradigm shift in what advice agents should provide people. |
183 | Providing Arguments in Discussions Based on the Prediction of Human Argumentative Behavior | Ariel Rosenfeld, Sarit Kraus | Through extensive human studies with over 200 human subjects, we show that people’s satisfaction from the PRH agent is significantly higher than from other agents that propose arguments based on Argumentation Theory, predict arguments without the heuristics or only the heuristics. |
184 | Predicting Emotion Perception Across Domains: A Study of Singing and Speaking | Biqiao Zhang, Emily Mower Provost, Robert Swedberg, Georg Essl | In this paper, we investigate acoustic and visual features that are relevant to emotion perception in the domains of singing and speaking. |
185 | Learning to Manipulate Unknown Objects in Clutter by Reinforcement | Abdeslam Boularias, James Andrew Bagnell, Anthony Stentz | We present a fully autonomous robotic system for grasping objects in dense clutter. |
186 | Bayesian Active Learning-Based Robot Tutor for Children’s Word-Reading Skills | Goren Gordon, Cynthia Breazeal | Bayesian Active Learning-Based Robot Tutor for Children’s Word-Reading Skills |
187 | RANSAC versus CS-RANSAC | Geun Sik Jo, Kee-Sung Lee, Devy Chandra, Chol-Hee Jang, Myung-Hyun Ga | CS-RANSAC algorithm in this paper converts RANSAC algorithm into two-layers. |
188 | Game-Theoretic Approach for Non-Cooperative Planning | Jaume Jordán, Eva Onaindia | In this paper, we present a game-theoretic approach to non-cooperative planning that helps predict before execution what plan schedules agents will adopt so that the set of strategies of all agents constitute a Nash equilibrium. |
189 | Pattern-Based Variant-Best-Neighbors Respiratory Motion Prediction Using Orthogonal Polynomials Approximation | KinMing Kam, Shouyi Wang, Stephen R. Bowen, Wanpracha Chaovalitwongse | In this paper, we propose a novel respiratory motion prediction framework which integrates four key components: a personalized monitoring window generator, an orthogonal polynomial approximation-based pattern library builder, a variant best neighbor pattern searcher, and a statistical prediction decision maker. |
190 | Toward Mobile Robots Reasoning Like Humans | Jean H Oh, Arne Suppé, Felix Duvallet, Abdeslam Boularias, Luis Navarro-Serment, Martial Hebert, Anthony Stentz, Jerry Vinokurov, Oscar Romero, Christian Lebiere, Robert Dean | This paper describes recent developments using this architecture on a fielded mobile robot platform operating in unknown urban environments. |
191 | Integration and Evaluation of a Matrix Factorization Sequencer in Large Commercial ITS | Carlotta Schatten, Ruth Janning, Lars Schmidt-Thieme | In this paper we show how we adapted a Matrix Factorization based performance predictor and a score based policy for task sequencing to be integrated in a commercial ITS with over 2000 tasks on 20 topics. |
192 | Going Beyond Literal Command-Based Instructions: Extending Robotic Natural Language Interaction Capabilities | Tom Williams, Gordon Briggs, Bradley Oosterveld, Matthias Scheutz | In this paper, we propose novel mechanisms for inferring in-tentions from utterances and generating clarification requests that will allow robots to cope with a much wider range of task-based natural language interactions. |
193 | CORPP: Commonsense Reasoning and Probabilistic Planning, as Applied to Dialog with a Mobile Robot | Shiqi Zhang, Peter Stone | In particular, in this paper we consider their needs to i) reason with commonsense knowledge, ii) model their nondeterministic action outcomes and partial observability, and iii) plan toward maximizing long-term rewards. |
194 | Tackling Mental Health by Integrating Unobtrusive Multimodal Sensing | Dawei Zhou, Jiebo Luo, Vincent M.B. Silenzio, Yun Zhou, Jile Hu, Glenn Currier, Henry Kautz | In this study, we investigate how users’ online social activities and physiological signals detected through ubiquitous sensors can be utilized in realistic scenarios for monitoring their mental health states. |
195 | Ontology Module Extraction via Datalog Reasoning | Ana Armas Romero, Mark Kaminski, Bernardo Cuenca Grau, Ian Horrocks | In this paper we propose a novel approach in which module extraction is reduced to a reasoning problem in datalog. |
196 | Tractable Interval Temporal Propositional and Description Logics | Alessandro Artale, Roman Kontchakov, Vladislav Ryzhikov, Michael Zakharyaschev | We design a tractable Horn fragment of the Halpern-Shoham temporal logic and extend it to interval-based temporal description logics, instance checking in which is P-complete for both combined and data complexity. |
197 | Action Language BC+: Preliminary Report | Joseph Babb, Joohyung Lee | We propose a new action language called BC+, which closes the gap between action languages and the modern ASP language. |
198 | LARS: A Logic-Based Framework for Analyzing Reasoning over Streams | Harald Beck, Minh Dao-Tran, Thomas Eiter, Michael Fink | We present LARS, a Logic-based framework for Analyzing Reasoning over Streams, i.e., a rule-based formalism with a novel window operator providing a flexible mechanism to represent views on streaming data. |
199 | Partial Meet Revision and Contraction in Logic Programs | Sebastian Binnewies, Zhiqiang Zhuang, Kewen Wang | In this paper, we bridge the gap between semantic and syntactic techniques by adapting the idea of a partial meet construction from classical belief change. |
200 | Pearl’s Causality in a Logical Setting | Alexander Bochman, Vladimir Lifschitz | It will be shown that, under this representation, the nonmonotonic semantics of the causal calculus describes precisely the solutions of the structural equations (the causal worlds of the causal model), while the causal logic from Bochman (2004) is adequate for describing the behavior of causal models under interventions (forming submodels). |
201 | Grounded Fixpoints | Bart Bogaerts, Joost Vennekens, Marc Denecker | In this paper, we add a new type of fixpoint to AFT: a grounded fixpoint of lattice operator O : L → L is defined as a lattice element x ∈ L such that O(x) = x and for all v ∈ L such that O(v ∧ x) ≤ v, it holds that x ≤ v. On the algebraical level, we show that all grounded fixpoints are minimal fixpoints approximated by the well-founded fixpoint and that all stable fixpoints are grounded. |
202 | Solving and Explaining Analogy Questions Using Semantic Networks | Adrian Boteanu, Sonia Chernova | The approach presented in this work focuses on obtaining precise interpretations of analogies. |
203 | asprin: Customizing Answer Set Preferences without a Headache | Gerhard Brewka, James Delgrande, Javier Romero, Torsten Schaub | In this paper we describe asprin, a general, flexible, and extensible framework for handling preferences among the stable models of a logic program. |
204 | Exploiting Parallelism for Hard Problems in Abstract Argumentation | Federico Cerutti, Ilias Tachmazidis, Mauro Vallati, Sotirios Batsakis, Massimiliano Giacomin, Grigoris Antoniou | In this paper, we present an algorithm for enumerating the preferred extensions of abstract argumentation frameworks which exploits parallel computation. |
205 | A Syntax-Independent Approach to Forgetting in Disjunctive Logic Programs | James Delgrande, Kewen Wang | In this paper, we present an approach to forgetting in disjunctive logic programs, where forgetting an atom from a program amounts to a reduction in the signature of that program. |
206 | Towards Tractable and Practical ABox Abduction over Inconsistent Description Logic Ontologies | Jianfeng Du, Kewen Wang, Yi-Dong Shen | Hence we propose to use preference information to reduce the number of explanations to be computed. |
207 | On Computing Explanations in Argumentation | Xiuyi Fan, Francesca Toni | In this work, we propose a new argumentation semantics, related admissibility, designed for giving explanations to arguments in both Abstract Argumentation and Assumption-based Argumentation. |
208 | Parallelized Hitting Set Computation for Model-Based Diagnosis | Dietmar Jannach, Thomas Schmitz, Kostyantyn Shchekotykhin | Since many of today’s computing devices have multi-core CPU architectures, we propose techniques to parallelize the construction of the tree to better utilize the computing resources without losing any diagnoses. |
209 | Splitting a Logic Program Revisited | Jianmin Ji, Hai Wan, Ziwei Huo, Zhenfeng Yuan | In this paper, we extend Lifschitz and Turner’s splitting set theorem to allow the program to be split by an arbitrary set of atoms, while some new atoms may be introduced in the process. |
210 | On Elementary Loops and Proper Loops for Disjunctive Logic Programs | Jianmin Ji, Hai Wan, Peng Xiao | This paper proposes an alternative definition of elementary loops and extends the notion of proper loops for disjunctive logic programs. |
211 | XPath for DL Ontologies | Egor V. Kostylev, Juan L. Reutter, Domagoj Vrgoc | In this paper we make a step towards coupling knowledge bases and graph databases by studying how to answer powerful XPath-style queries over simple DLs like DL-Lite and EL. |
212 | An Abstract View on Modularity in Knowledge Representation | Yuliya Lierler, Miroslaw Truszczynski | We introduce model-based modular systems, an abstract framework for modular knowledge representation formalisms, similar in scope to multi-context systems but employing a simpler information-flow mechanism. |
213 | Learning Partial Lexicographic Preference Trees over Combinatorial Domains | Xudong Liu, Miroslaw Truszczynski | We introduce partial lexicographic preference trees (PLPtrees) as a formalism for compact representations of preferences over combinatorial domains. |
214 | From Classical to Consistent Query Answering under Existential Rules | Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, Andreas Pieris, Gerardo I Simari | The goal of the current work is to perform an in-depth analysis of the complexity of consistent query answering under the main decidable classes of existential rules enriched with negative constraints. |
215 | Belief Revision with General Epistemic States | Hua Meng, Hui Kou, Sanjiang Li | To provide a semantical characterisation of GEPs, we introduce a mathematical structure called belief algebra, which is in essence a certain binary relation defined on the power set of worlds.We then establish a 1-1 correspondence between GEPs and belief algebras, and show that total preorders on worlds are special cases of belief algebras. |
216 | Incremental Update of Datalog Materialisation: the Backward/Forward Algorithm | Boris Motik, Yavor Nenov, Robert Edgar Felix Piro, Ian Horrocks | As a possible remedy, we propose a novel Backward/Forward (B/F) algorithm that tries to reduce the amount of work by a combination of backward and forward chaining. |
217 | Logic Programming in Assumption-Based Argumentation Revisited – Semantics and Graphical Representation | Claudia Schulz, Francesca Toni | Logic Programming in Assumption-Based Argumentation Revisited – Semantics and Graphical Representation |
218 | Minimizing User Involvement for Accurate Ontology Matching Problems | Anika Schumann, Freddy Lecue | This paper addresses the problem of determining accurate and complete matching of ontologies given some common descriptions and their pre-determined high level alignments. |
219 | Projection in the Epistemic Situation Calculus with Belief Conditionals | Christoph Schwering, Gerhard Lakemeyer | In this paper, we show how regression can be extended to reduce beliefs about the future to initial beliefs in the presence of belief conditionals. |
220 | Belief Revision Games | Nicolas Schwind, Katsumi Inoue, Gauvain Bourgne, Sébastien Konieczny, Pierre Marquis | We provide a general definition for such games where each agent has her own revision policy, and show that the belief sequences of agents can always be finitely characterized. |
221 | Interactive Query-Based Debugging of ASP Programs | Kostyantyn Shchekotykhin | In this paper we present an interactive query-based ASP debugging method which extends previous approaches and finds the preferred explanation by means of observations. |
222 | Exploring the KD45 Property of a Kripke Model After the Execution of an Action Sequence | Tran Cao Son, Enrico Pontelli, Chitta Baral, Gregory Gelfond | The paper proposes a condition for preserving the KD45 property of a Kripke model when a sequence of update models is applied to it. |
223 | Answering Conjunctive Queries over EL Knowledge Bases with Transitive and Reflexive Roles | Giorgio Stefanoni, Boris Motik | In this paper we complete the complexity landscape of CQ answering for several important cases. |
224 | How Many Diagnoses Do We Need? | Roni Tzvi Stern, Meir Kalech, Shelly Rogov, Alexander Feldman | We propose a way to aggregate an arbitrarily large set of diagnoses to return an estimate of the likelihood of a given component to be faulty. |
225 | The Relative Expressiveness of Abstract Argumentation and Logic Programming | Hannes Strass | We analyze the relative expressiveness of the two-valued semantics of abstract argumentation frameworks, normal logic programs and abstract dialectical frameworks. |
226 | A Comparison of Qualitative and Metric Spatial Relation Models for Scene Understanding | Akshaya Thippur, Chris Burbridge, Lars Kunze, Marina Alberti, John Folkesson, Patric Jensfelt, Nick Hawes | In this paper, we present techniques to model and infer object labels in real scenes based on a variety of spatial relations — geometric features which capture how objects co-occur — and compare their efficacy in the context of augmenting perception based object classification in real-world table-top scenes. |
227 | On the Role of Canonicity in Knowledge Compilation | Guy Van den Broeck, Adnan Darwiche | We resolve this open question in this paper and consider some of its theoretical and practical implications. |
228 | Knowledge Forgetting in Circumscription: A Preliminary Report | Yisong Wang, Kewen Wang, Zhe Wang, Zhiqiang Zhuang | A sound and complete algorithm for the forgetting is developed and an analysis of computational complexity is given. |
229 | Instance-Driven Ontology Evolution in DL-Lite | Zhe Wang, Kewen Wang, Zhiqiang Zhuang, Guilin Qi | In this paper we introduce a model-theoretic approach to such a contraction problem by using an alternative semantic characterisation of DL-Lite TBoxes. |
230 | Structured Embedding via Pairwise Relations and Long-Range Interactions in Knowledge Base | Fei Wu, Jun Song, Yi Yang, Xi Li, Zhongfei Zhang, Yueting Zhuang | Therefore, in this paper we introduces Path-Ranking to capture the long-range interactions of knowledge graph and at the same time preserve the pairwise relations of knowledge graph; we call it ‘structured embedding via pairwise relation and long-range interactions’ (referred to as SePLi). |
231 | A Logic for Reasoning About Game Strategies | Dongmo Zhang, Michael Thielscher | This paper introduces a modal logic for reasoning about game strategies. |
232 | Existential Rule Languages with Finite Chase: Complexity and Expressiveness | Heng Zhang, Yan Zhang, Jia-Huai You | In this work, we propose a novel approach for classifying the rule languages with finite chase. |
233 | Variational Inference for Nonparametric Bayesian Quantile Regression | Sachinthaka Abeywardana, Fabio Ramos | In this work we present a non-parametric method of inferring quantiles and derive a novel Variational Bayesian (VB) approximation to the marginal likelihood, leading to an elegant Expectation Maximisation algorithm for learning the model. |
234 | Sample-Targeted Clinical Trial Adaptation | Ognjen Arandjelovic | We propose a novel method for achieving this. |
235 | A Sparse Combined Regression-Classification Formulation for Learning a Physiological Alternative to Clinical Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Scores | Sarah Marie Brown, Andrea Webb, Rami Mangoubi, Jennifer Dy | In pursuit of an automated physiology-based objective diagnostic method, we propose a learning formulation that integrates the description of the experimental data and expert knowledge on desirable properties of a physiological diagnostic score. |
236 | Marginalized Denoising for Link Prediction and Multi-Label Learning | Zheng Chen, Minmin Chen, Kilian Weinberger, Weixiong Zhang | We develop a novel algorithm to solve these two problems jointly under a unified framework, which helps reduce the impact of graph noise and benefits both tasks individually. |
237 | Structured Sparsity with Group-Graph Regularization | Xin-Yu Dai, Jian-Bing Zhang, Shu-Jian Huang, Jia-Jun Chen, Zhi-Hua Zhou | In this paper, we propose a g2-regularization that takes group and graph sparsity into joint consideration, and present an effective approach for its optimization. |
238 | Content-Aware Point of Interest Recommendation on Location-Based Social Networks | Huiji Gao, Jiliang Tang, Xia Hu, Huan Liu | In this work, we study the content information on LBSNs w.r.t. POI properties, user interests, and sentiment indications. |
239 | Constructing Models of User and Task Characteristics from Eye Gaze Data for User-Adaptive Information Highlighting | Matthew Junghyun Gingerich, Cristina Conati | In this paper, we investigate the accuracy of predicting visualization tasks, user performance on tasks, and user traits from gaze data. |
240 | Automatic Assessment of OCR Quality in Historical Documents | Anshul Gupta, Ricardo Gutierrez-Osuna, Matthew Christy, Boris Capitanu, Loretta Auvil, Liz Grumbach, Richard Furuta, Laura Mandell | This paper presents an iterative classification algorithm to automatically label BBs (i.e., as text or noise) based on their spatial distribution and geometry. |
241 | PD Disease State Assessment in Naturalistic Environments Using Deep Learning | Nils Yannick Hammerla, James Fisher, Peter Andras, Lynn Rochester, Richard Walker, Thomas Ploetz | In this work we propose an assessment system that abides practical usability constraints and applies deep learning to differentiate disease state in data collected in naturalistic settings. |
242 | Identifying At-Risk Students in Massive Open Online Courses | Jiazhen He, James Bailey, Benjamin I. P. Rubinstein, Rui Zhang | In this paper, we explore the accurate early identification of students who are at risk of not completing courses. |
243 | Exploiting Determinism to Scale Relational Inference | Mohamed Hamza Ibrahim, Christopher Pal, Gilles Pesant | In this paper we introduce Preference Relaxation (PR), a two-stage strategy that uses the determinism present in the underlying model to improve the scalability of relational inference. |
244 | Scalable and Interpretable Data Representation for High-Dimensional, Complex Data | Been Kim, Kayur Patel, Afshin Rostamizadeh, Julie Shah | In this paper, we quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate an efficient, accurate and scalable feature-compression method using latent Dirichlet allocation for discrete data. |
245 | Learning to Uncover Deep Musical Structure | Phillip Kirlin, David Jensen | We present a new probabilistic model of this variety of music analysis, details of how the parameters of the model can be learned from a corpus, an algorithm for deriving the most probable analysis for a given piece of music, and both quantitative and human-based evaluations of the algorithm’s performance. |
246 | Nonstationary Gaussian Process Regression for Evaluating Repeated Clinical Laboratory Tests | Thomas A. Lasko | In this paper we analyze hundreds of observation sequences of four different clinical laboratory tests to provide principled, data-driven estimates of undersampling and oversampling, and to assess whether the sampling adapts to changing volatility of the latent function. |
247 | Tensor-Based Learning for Predicting Stock Movements | Qing Li, LiLing Jiang, Ping Li, Hsinchun Chen | In this article, we model the multi-faceted investors’ information and their intrinsic links with tensors. |
248 | Sub-Merge: Diving Down to the Attribute-Value Level in Statistical Schema Matching | Zhe Lim, Benjamin Rubinstein | We propose a more fine-grained approach that focuses on correspondences between the values of attributes across data sources. |
249 | A Regularized Linear Dynamical System Framework for Multivariate Time Series Analysis | Zitao Liu, Milos Hauskrecht | In this paper, we study learning methods that impose various regularization penalties on the transition matrix of the LDS model and propose a regularized LDS learning framework (rLDS) which aims to (1) automatically shut down LDSs’ spurious and unnecessary dimensions, and consequently, address the problem of choosing the optimal number of hidden states; (2) prevent the overfitting problem given a small amount of MTS data; and (3) support accurate MTS forecasting. |
250 | Generalized Singular Value Thresholding | Canyi Lu, Changbo Zhu, Chunyan Xu, Shuicheng Yan, Zhouchen Lin | We prove that GSVT can be obtained by performing the proximal operator of g on the singular values since Proxg(.) |
251 | Lazier Than Lazy Greedy | Baharan Mirzasoleiman, Ashwinkumar Badanidiyuru, Amin Karbasi, Jan Vondrak, Andreas Krause | In this paper, we develop the first linear-time algorithm for maximizing a general monotone submodular function subject to a cardinality constraint. |
252 | Inertial Hidden Markov Models: Modeling Change in Multivariate Time Series | George D. Montanez, Saeed Amizadeh, Nikolay Laptev | Faced with the problem of characterizing systematic changes in multivariate time series in an unsupervised manner, we derive and test two methods of regularizing hidden Markov models for this task. |
253 | Algorithm Selection via Ranking | Richard Jayadi Oentaryo, Stephanus Daniel Handoko, Hoong Chuin Lau | In this paper, we present a new approach that provides a more natural treatment of algorithm selection and portfolio construction as a ranking task. |
254 | Propagating Ranking Functions on a Graph: Algorithms and Applications | Buyue Qian, Xiang Wang, Ian Davidson | To address this, we propose to construct a graph where each node corresponds to a retrieval task, and then propagate ranking functions on the graph. |
255 | On Vectorization of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Vision Tasks | Jimmy SJ. Ren, Li Xu | In this paper, we studied the vectorization process of key building blocks in deep CNNs, in order to better understand and facilitate parallel implementation. |
256 | Learning Hybrid Models with Guarded Transitions | Pedro Santana, Spencer Lane, Eric Timmons, Brian Williams, Carlos Forster | In this paper, we present a novel algorithm capable of performing unsupervised learning of guarded Probabilistic Hybrid Automata (PHA) models, which extends prior work by allowing stochastic discrete mode transitions in a hybrid system to have a functional dependence on its continuous state. |
257 | Transaction Costs-Aware Portfolio Optimization via Fast Lowner-John Ellipsoid Approximation | Weiwei Shen, Jun Wang | In this paper, we develop an approximate dynamic programing method of synergistically combining the Lowner-John ellipsoid approximation with conventional value function iteration to quantify the associated optimal trading policy. |
258 | Coupled Interdependent Attribute Analysis on Mixed Data | Can Wang, Chi-Hung Chi, Wei Zhou, Raymond Wong | This paper proposes the coupled heterogeneous attribute analysis to capture the interdependence among mixed data by addressing coupling context and coupling weights in unsupervised learning. |
259 | Exploring Social Context for Topic Identification in Short and Noisy Texts | Xin Wang, Ying Wang, Wanli Zuo, Guoyong Cai | In particular, we present a mathematical optimization formulation that incorporates the preference consistency and social contagion theories into a supervised learning method, and conduct feature selection to tackle short and noisy texts in social media, which result in a Sociological framework for Topic Identification (STI). |
260 | Modeling Status Theory in Trust Prediction | Ying Wang, Xin Wang, Jiliang Tang, Wanli Zuo, Guoyong Cai | In this paper, we investigate how to exploit social status in trust prediction by modeling status theory. |
261 | Swiss-System Based Cascade Ranking for Gait-Based Person Re-Identification | Lan Wei, Yonghong Tian, Yaowei Wang, Tiejun Huang | In order to improve the robustness of gait-based person re-identification on such multi-covariate conditions, a novel Swiss-system based cascade ranking model is proposed in this paper. |
262 | An SVD and Derivative Kernel Approach to Learning from Geometric Data | Eric Wong, J. Zico Kolter | Since many physical simulations based upon geometric data produce derivatives of the output quantity with respect to the input positions, we derive an approach that incorporates derivative information into our kernel learning. |
263 | Mining User Interests from Personal Photos | Pengtao Xie, Yulong Pei, Yuan Xie, Eric Xing | In this paper, we study the problem of user interests mining from personal photos. |
264 | Integrating Image Clustering and Codebook Learning | Pengtao Xie, Eric P. Xing | Traditionally, these two processes are conducted separately and their correlation is generally ignored.In this paper, we propose a Double Layer Gaussian Mixture Model (DLGMM) to simultaneously perform image clustering and codebook learning. |
265 | Stable Feature Selection from Brain sMRI | Bo Xin, Lingjing Hu, Yizhou Wang, Wen Gao | In this paper, we explore a nonnegative generalized fused lasso model for stable feature selection in the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. |
266 | Forecasting Collector Road Speeds Under High Percentage of Missing Data | Xin Xin, Chunwei Lu, Yashen Wang, Heyan Huang | Aiming at solving this problem, we propose a multi-view road speed prediction framework. |
267 | Large-Margin Multi-Label Causal Feature Learning | Chang Xu, Dacheng Tao, Chao Xu | Since the original features are a disorderly mixture of the properties originating from different labels, it is intuitive to factorize these raw features to clearly represent each individual label and its causality relationship.Following the large-margin principle, we propose an effective approach to discover the causal features of multiple labels, thus revealing the causality between labels from the perspective of feature. |
268 | Exploiting Task-Feature Co-Clusters in Multi-Task Learning | Linli Xu, Aiqing Huang, Jianhui Chen, Enhong Chen | This paper presents a multi-task learning approach by modeling the task-feature relationships. |
269 | Temporally Adaptive Restricted Boltzmann Machine for Background Modeling | Linli Xu, Yitan Li, Yubo Wang, Enhong Chen | A novel approach is proposed based on the Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) while exploiting the temporal nature of the problem. |
270 | On Machine Learning towards Predictive Sales Pipeline Analytics | Junchi Yan, Chao Zhang, Hongyuan Zha, Min Gong, Changhua Sun, Jin Huang, Stephen Chu, Xiaokang Yang | In contrast to using subjective human rating, we propose a modern machine learning paradigm to estimate the win-propensity of sales leads over time. |
271 | Bayesian Approach to Modeling and Detecting Communities in Signed Network | Bo Yang, Xuehua Zhao, Xueyan Liu | To address them, we propose a generative Bayesian approach, in which 1) a signed stochastic blockmodel is proposed to characterize the community structure in context of signed networks, by means of explicitly formulating the distributions of both density and frustration of signed links from a stochastic perspective, and 2) a model learning algorithm is proposed by theoretically deriving a variational Bayes EM for parameter estimation and a variation based approximate evidence for model selection. |
272 | Colorization by Patch-Based Local Low-Rank Matrix Completion | Quanming Yao, T. Kwok James | In this paper, we propose a patch-based approach that divides the image into patches and then imposes a low-rank structure only on groups of similar patches. |
273 | Sparse Bayesian Multiview Learning for Simultaneous Association Discovery and Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease | Shandian Zhe, Zenglin Xu, Yuan Qi, Peng Yu | To harness their potential benefits for each other, we propose a new sparse Bayesian approach to jointly carry out the two important and related tasks. |
274 | A Closed Form Solution to Multi-View Low-Rank Regression | Shuai Zheng, Xiao Cai, Chris Ding, Feiping Nie, Heng Huang | In this paper, we propose a multi-view low-rank regression model by imposing low-rank constraints on multi-view regression model. |
275 | A Nonconvex Relaxation Approach for Rank Minimization Problems | Xiaowei Zhong, Linli Xu, Yitan Li, Zhiyuan Liu, Enhong Chen | In this paper, we propose an Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding and Reweighted Algorithm (ISTRA) to solve rank minimization problems using the nonconvex weighted nuclear norm as a low rank regularizer. |
276 | An Empirical Study on the Practical Impact of Prior Beliefs over Policy Types | Stefano Vittorino Albrecht, Jacob William Crandall, Subramanian Ramamoorthy | In this paper, we present the first comprehensive empirical study on the practical impact of prior beliefs over policies in repeated interactions. |
277 | Scalable Planning and Learning for Multiagent POMDPs | Christopher Amato, Frans A Oliehoek | To combat this intractability, we propose a novel scalable approach based on sample-based planning and factored value functions that exploits structure present in many multiagent settings. |
278 | Multi-Agent Pathfinding as a Combinatorial Auction | Ofra Amir, Guni Sharon, Roni Stern | This paper proposes a mapping between multi-agent pathfinding (MAPF) and combinatorial auctions (CAs). |
279 | Cooperating with Unknown Teammates in Complex Domains: A Robot Soccer Case Study of Ad Hoc Teamwork | Samuel Barrett, Peter Stone | To handle these complex scenarios, we introduce a new algorithm, PLASTIC–Policy, that builds on an existing ad hoc teamwork approach. |
280 | Cognitive Social Learners: An Architecture for Modeling Normative Behavior | Rahmatollah Beheshti, Awrad Mohammed Ali, Gita Reese Sukthankar | In this paper, we introduce a new normative multi-agent architecture, Cognitive Social Learners (CSL), that models bottom-up norm emergence through a social learning mechanism, while using BDI (Belief/Desire/Intention) reasoning to handle adoption and compliance. |
281 | Multi-Agent Path Finding on Strongly Biconnected Digraphs | Adi Botea, Pavel Surynek | We present a polynomial-time algorithm for this class of problems, and analyze its complexity. |
282 | Verification of Relational Multiagent Systems with Data Types | Diego Calvanese, Giorgio Delzanno, Marco Montali | We study the extension of relational multiagent systems (RMASs), where agents manipulate full-fledged relational databases, with data types and facets equipped with domain-specific, rigid relations (such as total orders). |
283 | Verifying and Synthesising Multi-Agent Systems against One-Goal Strategy Logic Specifications | Petr Čermák, Alessio Lomuscio, Aniello Murano | In this paper we put forward an automata-based methodology for verifying and synthesising multi-agent systems against specifications given in SL[1G]. |
284 | Elections with Few Voters: Candidate Control Can Be Easy | Jiehua Chen, Piotr Faliszewski, Rolf Niedermeier, Nimrod Talmon | We study the computational complexity of candidate control in elections with few voters (that is, we take the number of voters as a parameter). |
285 | Cupid: Commitments in Relational Algebra | Amit Chopra, Munindar Singh | We propose Cupid, a language for specifying commitments that supports their information-centric aspects, and offers crucial benefits. |
286 | Automated Analysis of Commitment Protocols Using Probabilistic Model Checking | Akın Günay, Song Songzheng, Yang Liu, Jie Zhang | Automated Analysis of Commitment Protocols Using Probabilistic Model Checking |
287 | Fast Convention Formation in Dynamic Networks Using Topological Knowledge | Mohammad Rashedul Hasan, Anita Raja, Ana Bazzan | In this paper, we design a distributed mechanism that is able to create a social convention within a large convention space for multiagent systems (MAS) operating on various topologies. |
288 | Distributed Multiplicative Weights Methods for DCOP | Daisuke Hatano, Yuichi Yoshida | We introduce a new framework for solving distributed constraint optimization problems that extend the domain of each variable into a simplex.We propose two methods for searching the extended domain for good assignments.The first one relaxes the problem using linear programming, finds the optimum LP solution, and rounds it to an assignment.The second one plays a cost-minimization game, finds a certain kind of equilibrium, and rounds it to an assignment.Both methods are realized by performing the multiplicative weights method in a distributed manner.We experimentally demonstrate that our methods have good scalability,and in particular, the second method outperforms existing algorithms in terms of solution quality and efficiency. |
289 | A Counter Abstraction Technique for the Verification of Robot Swarms | Panagiotis Kouvaros, Alessio Lomuscio | We relax some of the significant restrictions assumed in the literature and present a counter abstraction approach that enable us to verify a potentially much smaller abstract model when checking a formula on a swarm of any size. |
290 | Generalization Analysis for Game-Theoretic Machine Learning | Haifang Li, Fei Tian, Wei Chen, Tao Qin, Zhi-Ming Ma, Tie-Yan Liu | Generalization Analysis for Game-Theoretic Machine Learning |
291 | SCRAM: Scalable Collision-avoiding Role Assignment with Minimal-Makespan for Formational Positioning | Patrick MacAlpine, Eric Price, Peter Stone | We present scaleable (computable in polynomial time) role assignment algorithms that we classify as being SCRAM (Scalable Collision-avoiding Role Assignment with Minimal-makespan). |
292 | Plurality Voting Under Uncertainty | Reshef Meir | This paper extends the model in multiple directions, considering voters with different uncertainty levels, simultaneous strategic decisions, and a more permissive notion of best-response. |
293 | Multi-Robot Auctions for Allocation of Tasks with Temporal Constraints | Ernesto Nunes, Maria Gini | We propose an auction algorithm to allocate tasks that have temporal constraints to cooperative robots. |
294 | Distributing Coalition Value Calculations to Coalition Members | Luke Riley, Katie Atkinson, Paul E. Dunne, Terry R. Payne | We introduce DCG, a novel algorithm that distributes the calculations of coalition utility values across a community of agents, such that: (i) no inter-agent communication is required; (ii) the coalition value calculations are (approximately) equally partitioned into shares, one for each agent; (iii) the utility value is calculated only once for each coalition, thus redundant calculations are eliminated; (iv) there is an equal number of operations for agents with equal sized shares; and (v) an agent is only allocated those coalitions in which it is a potential member. |
295 | Fully Proportional Representation with Approval Ballots: Approximating the MaxCover Problem with Bounded Frequencies in FPT Time | Piotr Krzysztof Skowron, Piotr Faliszewski | This problem is equivalent to the well-known NP-complete MaxCover problem (i.e., a version of the SetCover problem where we aim to cover as many elements as possible) and, so, the best polynomial-time approximation algorithm for it has approximation ratio 1 – 1/e. |
296 | Finding a Collective Set of Items: From Proportional Multirepresentation to Group Recommendation | Piotr Krzysztof Skowron, Piotr Faliszewski, Jerome Lang | Our goal is to pick a set of K items that maximize the total derived utility of all the agents (i.e., in our example we are to pick K movies that we put on the plane’s entertainment system). |
297 | Solving Games with Functional Regret Estimation | Kevin Waugh, Dustin Morrill, James Andrew Bagnell, Michael Bowling | We propose a novel online learning method for minimizing regret in large extensive-form games. |
298 | Learning Word Representations from Relational Graphs | Danushka Bollegala, Takanori Maehara, Yuichi Yoshida, Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi | Motivated by this close connection between attributes and relations, given a relational graph in which words are inter-connected via numerous semantic relations, we propose a method to learn a latent representation for the individual words. |
299 | Ranking with Recursive Neural Networks and Its Application to Multi-Document Summarization | Ziqiang Cao, Furu Wei, Li Dong, Sujian Li, Ming Zhou | We develop a Ranking framework upon Recursive Neural Networks (R2N2) to rank sentences for multi-document summarization. |
300 | Refer-to-as Relations as Semantic Knowledge | Song Feng, Sujith Ravi, Ravi Kumar, Polina Kuznetsova, Wei Liu, Alexander C. Berg, Tamara L. Berg, Yejin Choi | Our contributions include a new labeleddata set, the inference and optimization approach, andthe computed mappings and similarities. |
301 | Surveyor: A System for Generating Coherent Survey Articles for Scientific Topics | Rahul Jha, Reed Coke, Dragomir Radev | We introduce an extractive summarization algorithm that combines a content model with a discourse model to generate coherent and readable summaries of scientific topics using text from scientific articles relevant to the topic. |
302 | Automatically Creating a Large Number of New Bilingual Dictionaries | Khang Nhut Lam, Feras Al Tarouti, Jugal Kalita | This paper proposes approaches to automatically createa large number of new bilingual dictionaries for low resource languages, especially resource-poor and endangered languages, from a single input bilingual dictionary. |
303 | Learning Entity and Relation Embeddings for Knowledge Graph Completion | Yankai Lin, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun, Yang Liu, Xuan Zhu | In this paper, we consider the approach of knowledge graph embeddings. |
304 | Sense-Aaware Semantic Analysis: A Multi-Prototype Word Representation Model Using Wikipedia | Zhaohui Wu, C. Lee Giles | We present sense-aware semantic analysis (SaSA), a multi-prototype VSM for word representation based on Wikipedia, which could account for homonymy and polysemy. |
305 | Phrase Type Sensitive Tensor Indexing Model for Semantic Composition | Yu Zhao, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun | In this paper, we propose to synchronously learn the representations of individual words and extracted high-frequency phrases. |
306 | Predicting Peer-to-Peer Loan Rates Using Bayesian Non-Linear Regression | Zsolt Bitvai, Trevor Cohn | Here we consider modelling market rates, developing a non-linear Gaussian Process regression method which incorporates both structured data and unstructured text from the loan application. |
307 | A Novel Neural Topic Model and Its Supervised Extension | Ziqiang Cao, Sujian Li, Yang Liu, Wenjie Li, Heng Ji | Based on this, we propose a novel neural topic model (NTM) where the representation of words and documents are efficiently and naturally combined into a uniform framework. |
308 | Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation Using Markov Random Field and Dependency Parser | Devendra Singh Chaplot, Pushpak Bhattacharyya, Ashwin Paranjape | Using two basic ideas, sense dependency and selective dependency, we model the WSD problem as a Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) Inference Query on a Markov Random Field (MRF) built using WordNet and Link Parser or Stanford Parser. |
309 | Dataless Text Classification with Descriptive LDA | Xingyuan Chen, Yunqing Xia, Peng Jin, John Carroll | In this paper we propose a novel kind of model, descriptive LDA (DescLDA), which performs DLTC with only category description words and unlabeled documents. |
310 | Topic Segmentation with an Ordering-Based Topic Model | Lan Du, John K. Pate, Mark Johnson | In this paper we present a simple topic model that uses generalised Mallows models and incomplete topic orderings to incorporate this ordering regularity into the probabilistic generative process of the new model. |
311 | A Stratified Strategy for Efficient Kernel-Based Learning | Simone Filice, Danilo Croce, Roberto Basili | When the model size grows with the complexity of the task, such approaches are so computationally demanding that the adoption of comprehensive models is not always viable.In this paper, a general framework aimed at minimizing this problem is proposed: multiple classifiers are stratified and dynamically invoked according to increasing levels of complexity corresponding to incrementally more expressive representation spaces.Computationally expensive inferences are thus adopted only when the classification at lower levels is too uncertain over an individual instance. |
312 | Weakly-Supervised Grammar-Informed Bayesian CCG Parser Learning | Dan Garrette, Chris Dyer, Jason Baldridge, Noah A. Smith | We present a Bayesian formulation for CCG parser induction that assumes only supervision in the form of an incomplete tag dictionary mapping some word types to sets of potential categories. |
313 | Unsupervised Phrasal Near-Synonym Generation from Text Corpora | Dishan Gupta, Jaime Carbonell, Anatole Gershman, Steve Klein, David Miller | This paper presents an unsupervised corpus-based conditional model: Near-Synonym System (NeSS) for finding phrasal synonyms and near synonyms that requires only a large monolingual corpus. |
314 | Local Context Sparse Coding | Seungyeon Kim, Joonseok Lee, Guy Lebanon, Haesun Park | This paper presents local context sparse coding (LCSC), a non-probabilistic topic model that effectively handles large feature spaces using sparse coding. |
315 | Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks for Text Classification | Siwei Lai, Liheng Xu, Kang Liu, Jun Zhao | In contrast to traditional methods, we introduce a recurrent convolutional neural network for text classification without human-designed features. |
316 | Joint Anaphoricity Detection and Coreference Resolution with Constrained Latent Structures | Emmanuel Lassalle, Pascal Denis | This paper introduces a new structured model for learning anaphoricity detection and coreference resolution in a joint fashion. |
317 | Fast and Accurate Prediction of Sentence Specificity | Junyi Jessy Li, Ani Nenkova | In this paper we present a practical system for predicting sentence specificity which exploits only features that require minimum processing and is trained in a semi-supervised manner. |
318 | Learning to Mediate Perceptual Differences in Situated Human-Robot Dialogue | Changsong Liu, Joyce Yue Chai | To overcome this problem, we have developed an optimization based approach that allows the robot to detect andadapt to perceptual differences. |
319 | Contrastive Unsupervised Word Alignment with Non-Local Features | Yang Liu, Maosong Sun | We propose a contrastive approach that aims to differentiate observed training examples from noises. |
320 | Never-Ending Learning | Tom M. Mitchell, William Cohen, Estevam Hruschka, Partha Talukdar, Justin Betteridge, Andrew Carlson, Bhavana Dalvi Mishra, Matthew Gardner, Bryan Kisiel, Jayant Krishnamurthy, Ni Lao, Kathryn Mazaitis, Thahir Mohamed, Ndapa Nakashole, Emmanouil Antonios Platanios, Alan Ritter, Mehdi Samadi, Burr Settles, Richard Wang, Derry Wijaya, Abhinav Gupta, Xinlei Chen, Abulhair Saparov, Malcolm Greaves, Joel Welling | We propose a never-ending learning paradigm for machine learning, to better reflect the more ambitious and encompassing type of learning performed by humans. |
321 | The Utility of Text: The Case of Amicus Briefs and the Supreme Court | Yanchuan Sim, Bryan R Routledge, Noah A Smith | We explore the idea that authoring a piece of text is an act of maximizing one’s expected utility.To make this idea concrete, we consider the societally important decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States.Extensive past work in quantitative political science provides a framework for empirically modeling the decisions of justices and how they relate to text.We incorporate into such a model texts authored by amici curiae (“friends of the court” separate from the litigants) who seek to weigh in on the decision, then explicitly model their goals in a random utility model.We demonstrate the benefits of this approach in improved vote prediction and the ability to perform counterfactual analysis. |
322 | A Family of Latent Variable Convex Relaxations for IBM Model 2 | Andrei Arsene Simion, Michael Collins, Cliff Stein | As proof of concept, we study a new relaxation of IBM Model 2 which is simpler than the previous algorithm: the new relaxation relies on the use of nothing more than a multinomial EM algorithm, does not require the tuning of a learning rate, and has some favorable comparisons to IBM Model 2 in terms of F-Measure. |
323 | Online Bayesian Models for Personal Analytics in Social Media | Svitlana Volkova, Benjamin Van Durme | We propose various approaches to handling this dynamic data, from traditional batch training and testing, to incremental bootstrapping, and then active learning via crowdsourcing. |
324 | Microblog Sentiment Classification with Contextual Knowledge Regularization | Fangzhao Wu, Yangqiu Song, Yongfeng Huang | In this paper, we propose to use the microblogs’ contextual knowledge mined from a large amount of unlabeled data to help improve microblog sentiment classification. |
325 | Learning Greedy Policies for the Easy-First Framework | Jun Xie, Chao Ma, Janardhan Rao Doppa, Prashanth Mannem, Xiaoli Fern, Thomas G. Dietterich, Prasad Tadepalli | We formulate greedy policy learning in the Easy-first approach as a novel non-convex optimization problem and solve it via an efficient Majorization Minimizatoin (MM) algorithm. |
326 | Jointly Modeling Deep Video and Compositional Text to Bridge Vision and Language in a Unified Framework | Ran Xu, Caiming Xiong, Wei Chen, Jason J Corso | In this paper, we propose a unified framework that jointly models video and the corresponding text sentences. |
327 | Ordering-Sensitive and Semantic-Aware Topic Modeling | Min Yang, Tianyi Cui, Wenting Tu | In this paper, we present a Gaussian Mixture Neural Topic Model (GMNTM) which incorporates both the ordering of words and the semantic meaning of sentences into topic modeling. |
328 | Target-Dependent Churn Classification in Microblogs | Hadi Amiri, Hal Daume III | We consider the problem of classifying micro-posts as churny or non-churny with respect to a given brand. |
329 | English Light Verb Construction Identification Using Lexical Knowledge | Wei-Te Chen, Claire Bonial, Martha Palmer | This research describes the development of a supervised classifier of English light verb constructions, for example, “take a walk” and “make a speech.” |
330 | Chinese Common Noun Phrase Resolution: An Unsupervised Probabilistic Model Rivaling Supervised Resolvers | Chen Chen, Vincent Ng | In this paper, we propose a generative model for unsupervised Chinese common noun phrase resolution that not only allows easy incorporation of linguistic constraints on coreference but also performs joint resolution and anaphoricity determination. |
331 | Gazetteer-Independent Toponym Resolution Using Geographic Word Profiles | Grant DeLozier, Jason Baldridge, Loretta London | We address this limitation by modeling the geographic distributions of words over the earth’s surface: we calculate the geographic profile of each word based on local spatial statistics over a set of geo-referenced language models. |
332 | Mining User Consumption Intention from Social Media Using Domain Adaptive Convolutional Neural Network | Xiao Ding, Ting Liu, Junwen Duan, Jian-Yun Nie | In this paper, we investigate the use of social media data to identify consumption intentions for individuals. |
333 | Generating Event Causality Hypotheses through Semantic Relations | Chikara Hashimoto, Kentaro Torisawa, Julien Kloetzer, Jong-Hoon Oh | We propose a method of hypothesizing unseen event causalities from known event causalities extracted from the web by the semantic relations between nouns. |
334 | A Neural Probabilistic Model for Context Based Citation Recommendation | Wenyi Huang, Zhaohui Wu, Chen Liang, Prasenjit Mitra, C. Lee Giles | To help with this problem, we propose a novel neural probabilistic model that jointly learns the semantic representations of citation contexts and cited papers. |
335 | Extracting Verb Expressions Implying Negative Opinions | Huayi Li, Arjun Mukherjee, Jianfeng Si, Bing Liu | In this paper, we make an attempt to solve this problem. |
336 | Topical Word Embeddings | Yang Liu, Zhiyuan Liu, Tat-Seng Chua, Maosong Sun | In order to enhance discriminativeness, we employ latent topic models to assign topics for each word in the text corpus, and learn topical word embeddings (TWE) based on both words and their topics. |
337 | Towards Knowledge-Driven Annotation | Yassine Mrabet, Claire Gardent, Muriel Foulonneau, Elena Simperl, Eric Ras | In the proposed method, we represent the reference knowledge bases as co-occurrence matrices and the disambiguation problem as a 0-1 Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem. |
338 | Semantic Lexicon Induction from Twitter with Pattern Relatedness and Flexible Term Length | Ashequl Qadir, Pablo N. Mendes, Daniel Gruhl, Neal Lewis | We present a novel semantic lexicon induction approach that is able to learn new vocabulary from social media. |
339 | Word Segmentation for Chinese Novels | Likun Qiu, Yue Zhang | We investigate a method forautomatically mining common noun entities for eachnovel using information extraction techniques, and usethe resulting entities to improve a state-of-the-art segmentationmodel for the novel. |
340 | Using Frame Semantics for Knowledge Extraction from Twitter | Anders Søgaard, Barbara Plank, Hector Martinez Alonso | In this paper we address the question whether we can exploit social media to extract new facts, which may at first seem like finding needles in haystacks. |
341 | Learning to Recommend Quotes for Writing | Jiwei Tan, Xiaojun Wan, Jianguo Xiao | In this paper, we propose and address a novel task of recommending quotes for writing. |
342 | Extracting Adverse Drug Reactions from Social Media | Andrew Yates, Nazli Goharian, Ophir Frieder | We propose three methods for extracting ADRs from forum posts and tweets, and compare our methods with several existing methods. |
343 | An Unsupervised Framework of Exploring Events on Twitter: Filtering, Extraction and Categorization | Deyu Zhou, Liangyu Chen, Yulan He | In this paper we propose a general unsupervised framework to explore events from tweets, which consists of a pipeline process of filtering, extraction and categorization. |
344 | A Probabilistic Covariate Shift Assumption for Domain Adaptation | Tameem Adel, Alexander Wong | We present a domain adaptation algorithm that assumes a relaxed version of covariate shift where the assumption that the labeling functions of the source and target domains are identical holds with a certain probability. |
345 | Efficient Active Learning of Halfspaces via Query Synthesis | Ibrahim Alabdulmohsin, Xin Gao, Xiangliang Zhang | In this paper, we present an efficient spectral algorithm for membership query synthesis for halfspaces, whose sample complexity is experimentally shown to be near-optimal. |
346 | Budgeted Prediction with Expert Advice | Kareem Amin, Satyen Kale, Gerald Tesauro, Deepak Turaga | We provide an online learning algorithm for this setting with regret after T prediction rounds bounded by O(sqrt(C log(N)T/B)), where C is the total cost of all experts. |
347 | Model-Based Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Environments Using Real-Time Constrained Optimization | Olov Andersson, Fredrik Heintz, Patrick Doherty | In this paper we propose a model-based reinforcement learning approach for continuous environments with constraints. |
348 | Unsupervised Cross-Domain Transfer in Policy Gradient Reinforcement Learning via Manifold Alignment | Haitham Bou Ammar, Eric Eaton, Paul Ruvolo, Matthew E. Taylor | This paper introduces an autonomous framework that uses unsupervised manifold alignment to learn inter-task mappings and effectively transfer samples between different task domains. |
349 | Aligning Mixed Manifolds | Thomas Boucher, CJ Carey, Sridhar Mahadevan, Melinda Darby Dyar | This paper proposes a novel manifold alignment algorithm, low rank alignment (LRA), that uses a low rank representation (instead of a nearest neighbor graph construction) to embed and align data sets drawn from mixtures of manifolds. |
350 | Deep Modeling Complex Couplings within Financial Markets | Wei Cao, Liang Hu, Longbing Cao | In this paper, a coupled deep belief network is designed to accommodate the above three types of couplings across financial markets. |
351 | Structural Learning with Amortized Inference | Kai-Wei Chang, Shyam Upadhyay, Gourab Kundu, Dan Roth | We propose AI-DCD, an Amortized Inference framework for Dual Coordinate Descent method, an approximate learning algorithm, that accelerates the training process by exploiting this redundancy of solutions, without compromising the performance of the model. |
352 | A Convex Formulation for Spectral Shrunk Clustering | Xiaojun Chang, Feiping Nie, Zhigang Ma, Yi Yang, Xiaofang Zhou | Aiming to address this issue, we propose a novel convex algorithm that mines the manifold structure in the low-dimensional subspace. |
353 | Learning Relational Kalman Filtering | Jaesik Choi, Eyal Amir, Tianfang Xu, Albert J. Valocchi | In this paper, we provide a parameter learning algorithm for RKF, and a regrouping algorithm that prevents the degeneration of the relational structure for efficient filtering. |
354 | Policy Tree: Adaptive Representation for Policy Gradient | Ujjwal Das Gupta, Erik Talvitie, Michael Bowling | This paper introduces the Policy Tree algorithm, which can learn an adaptive representation of policy in the form of a decision tree over different instantiations of a base policy. |
355 | Collaborative Filtering with Localised Ranking | Charanpal Dhanjal, Romaric Gaudel, Stéphan Clémençon | With this in mind we propose a class of objective functions which primarily represent a smooth surrogate for the real AUC, and in a special case we show how to prioritise the top of the list. |
356 | Random Gradient Descent Tree: A Combinatorial Approach for SVM with Outliers | Hu Ding, Jinhui Xu | In this paper, we present a new combinatorial approach, called Random Gradient Descent Tree (or RGD-tree), to explicitly deal with outliers; this results in a new algorithm called RGD-SVM. |
357 | An Adaptive Gradient Method for Online AUC Maximization | Yi Ding, Peilin Zhao, Steven C. H. Hoi, Yew-Soon Ong | To overcome the limitation of the existing studies, in this paper, we propose a novel algorithm of Adaptive Online AUC Maximization (AdaOAM), by applying an adaptive gradient method for exploiting the knowledge of historical gradients to perform more informative online learning. |
358 | Graph-Sparse LDA: A Topic Model with Structured Sparsity | Finale Doshi-Velez, Byron C. Wallace, Ryan Adams | To improve topic interpretability, we introduce Graph-Sparse LDA, a hierarchical topic model that uses knowledge of relationships between words (e.g., as encoded by an ontology). |
359 | Bayesian Maximum Margin Principal Component Analysis | Changying Du, Shandian Zhe, Fuzhen Zhuang, Yuan Qi, Qing He, Zhongzhi Shi | In this paper, we present a posterior-regularized Bayesian approach to combine Principal Component Analysis (PCA) with the max-margin learning. |
360 | Modelling Class Noise with Symmetric and Asymmetric Distributions | Jun Du, Zhihua Cai | In classification problem, we assume that the samples around the class boundary are more likely to be incorrectly annotated than others, and propose boundary-conditional class noise (BCN). |
361 | Optimizing Bag Features for Multiple-Instance Retrieval | Zhouyu Fu, Feifei Pan, Cheng Deng, Wei Liu | Optimizing Bag Features for Multiple-Instance Retrieval |
362 | Learning Sparse Representations from Datasets with Uncertain Group Structures: Model, Algorithm and Applications | Longwen Gao, Shuigeng Zhou | We formulate the UGSR model and propose an efficient algorithm to solve this problem. |
363 | Spectral Clustering Using Multilinear SVD: Analysis, Approximations and Applications | Debarghya Ghoshdastidar, Ambedkar Dukkipati | In this paper, we formulate a criterion for partitioning uniform hypergraphs, and show that a relaxation of this problem is related to the multilinear singular value decomposition (SVD) of symmetric tensors. |
364 | Pathway Graphical Lasso | Maxim Grechkin, Maryam Fazel, Daniela Witten, Su-In Lee | In this paper, we propose the pathway graphical lasso, which learns the structure of a GGM subject to pathway-based constraints. |
365 | Concurrent PAC RL | Zhaohan Guo, Emma Brunskill | Building on the efficient exploration RL literature, we introduce two new concurrent RL algorithms and bound their sample complexity. |
366 | Discriminative Feature Grouping | Lei Han, Yu Zhang | In this paper, we propose a Discriminative Feature Grouping (DFG) method to discover the feature groups with enhanced discrimination. |
367 | Learning Multi-Level Task Groups in Multi-Task Learning | Lei Han, Yu Zhang | In this paper, we propose a Multi-Level Task Grouping (MeTaG) method to learn the multi-level grouping structure instead of only one level among tasks. |
368 | Localized Centering: Reducing Hubness in Large-Sample Data | Kazuo Hara, Ikumi Suzuki, Masashi Shimbo, Kei Kobayashi, Kenji Fukumizu, Miloš Radovanović | In this paper, we address a different type of hubness that occurs when the number of samples is large. |
369 | Expressing Arbitrary Reward Functions as Potential-Based Advice | Anna Harutyunyan, Sam Devlin, Peter Vrancx, Ann Nowe | In this work we give a novel way to incorporate an arbitrary reward function with the same guarantee, by implicitly translating it into the specific form of dynamic advice potentials, which are maintained as an auxiliary value function learnt at the same time. |
370 | Active Learning by Learning | Wei-Ning Hsu, Hsuan-Tien Lin | More specifically, we design a learning algorithm that connects active learning with the well-known multi-armed bandit problem. |
371 | Kernelized Online Imbalanced Learning with Fixed Budgets | Junjie Hu, Haiqin Yang, Irwin King, Michael R. Lyu, Anthony Man-Cho So | To tackle this problem, we propose a kernelized online imbalanced learning (KOIL) algorithm to directly maximize the area under the ROC curve (AUC). |
372 | Approximate MaxEnt Inverse Optimal Control and Its Application for Mental Simulation of Human Interactions | De-An Huang, Amir-massoud Farahmand, Kris M. Kitani, James Andrew Bagnell | To enable inference in very large state spaces, we introduce an approximate MaxEnt IOC procedure to address the fundamental computational bottleneck stemming from calculating the partition function via dynamic programming. |
373 | Maximin Separation Probability Clustering | Gao Huang, Jianwen Zhang, Shiji Song, Zheng Chen | This paper proposes a new approach for discriminative clustering. |
374 | The Dynamic Chinese Restaurant Process via Birth and Death Processes | Rui Huang, Fengyuan Zhu, Pheng-Ann Heng | We develop the Dynamic Chinese Restaurant Process (DCRP) which incorporates time-evolutionary feature in dependent Dirichlet Process mixture models. |
375 | Self-Paced Curriculum Learning | Lu Jiang, Deyu Meng, Qian Zhao, Shiguang Shan, Alexander G. Hauptmann | In this paper, we discover the missing link between CL and SPL, and propose a unified framework named self-paced curriculum leaning (SPCL). |
376 | Outlier-Robust Convex Segmentation | Itamar Katz, Koby Crammer | We describe two algorithms for solving this problem, one exact and one a top-down novel approach, and we derive a consistency results for the case of two segments and no outliers. |
377 | Fast Gradient Descent for Drifting Least Squares Regression, with Application to Bandits | Nathaniel Korda, Prashanth L.A., Remi Munos | In the case when strong convexity in the regression problem is guaranteed, we provide bounds on the error both in expectation and high probability (the latter is often needed to provide theoretical guarantees for higher level algorithms), despite the drifting least squares solution. |
378 | Spectral Learning of Predictive State Representations with Insufficient Statistics | Alex Kulesza, Nan Jiang, Satinder Singh | In this paper we approach the problem both theoretically and empirically. |
379 | A Generalized Reduced Linear Program for Markov Decision Processes | Chandrashekar Lakshminarayanan, Shalabh Bhatnagar | In this paper, we generalize the RLP to define a generalized reduced linear program (GRLP) which has a tractable number of constraints that are obtained as positive linear combinations of the original constraints of the ALP. |
380 | Don’t Fall for Tuning Parameters: Tuning-Free Variable Selection in High Dimensions With the TREX | Johannes Lederer, Christian Müller | In this study, we introduce TREX, an alternative to Lasso with an inherent calibration to all aspects of the model. |
381 | On the Equivalence of Linear Discriminant Analysis and Least Squares | Kibok Lee, Junmo Kim | In this paper, we verify the equivalence of LDA and least squares (LS) with a set of dependent variable matrices. |
382 | Multi-tensor Completion with Common Structures | Chao Li, Qibin Zhao, Junhua Li, Andrzej Cichocki, Lili Guo | In this paper, we propose a novel common structure for multi-data learning. |
383 | Large-Scale Multi-View Spectral Clustering via Bipartite Graph | Yeqing Li, Feiping Nie, Heng Huang, Junzhou Huang | In this paper, we address the problem of large-scale multi-view spectral clustering. |
384 | Integrating Features and Similarities: Flexible Models for Heterogeneous Multiview Data | Wenzhao Lian, Piyush Rai, Esther Salazar, Lawrence Carin | We present a probabilistic framework for learning with heterogeneous multiview data where some views are given as ordinal, binary, or real-valued feature matrices, and some views as similarity matrices. |
385 | Shift-Pessimistic Active Learning Using Robust Bias-Aware Prediction | Anqi Liu, Lev Reyzin, Brian D. Ziebart | We propose a shift-pessimistic approach to active learning that assumes the worst-case about the unknown conditional label distribution. |
386 | Unidimensional Clustering of Discrete Data Using Latent Tree Models | April H. Liu, Leonard K.M. Poon, Nevin L. Zhang | We propose a novel method to relax the assumption. |
387 | Low-Rank Multi-View Learning in Matrix Completion for Multi-Label Image Classification | Meng Liu, Yong Luo, Dacheng Tao, Chao Xu, Yonggang Wen | Therefore, we present a novel multi-view learning model for MC-based image classification, called low-rank multi-view matrix completion (lrMMC), which first seeks a low-dimensional common representation of all views by utilizing the proposed low-rank multi-view learning (lrMVL) algorithm. |
388 | Support Consistency of Direct Sparse-Change Learning in Markov Networks | Song Liu, Taiji Suzuki, Masashi Sugiyama | In this paper, we give sufficient conditions for successful change detection with respect to the sample size np, nq, the dimension of data m, and the number of changed edges d. |
389 | Low-Rank Similarity Metric Learning in High Dimensions | Wei Liu, Cun Mu, Rongrong Ji, Shiqian Ma, John R. Smith, Shih-Fu Chang | In this paper, we propose a novel low-rank metric learning algorithm to yield bilinear similarity functions. |
390 | Large Margin Metric Learning for Multi-Label Prediction | Weiwei Liu, Ivor W Tsang | To avoid decoding completely, we present a novel large margin metric learning paradigm for multi-label prediction. |
391 | Absent Multiple Kernel Learning | Xinwang Liu, Lei Wang, Jianping Yin, Yong Dou, Jian Zhang | This paper proposes an absent MKL (AMKL) algorithm to address this issue. |
392 | Eigenvalues Ratio for Kernel Selection of Kernel Methods | Yong Liu, Shizhong Liao | In this paper, we propose a novel measure, called eigenvalues ratio (ER), of the tight bound of generalization error for kernel selection. |
393 | Parallel Gaussian Process Regression for Big Data: Low-Rank Representation Meets Markov Approximation | Kian Hsiang Low, Jiangbo Yu, Jie Chen, Patrick Jaillet | To improve its scalability, this paper presents a low-rank-cum-Markov approximation (LMA) of the GP model that is novel in leveraging the dual computational advantages stemming from complementing a low-rank approximate representation of the full-rank GP based on a support set of inputs with a Markov approximation of the resulting residual process; the latter approximation is guaranteed to be closest in the Kullback-Leibler distance criterion subject to some constraint and is considerably more refined than that of existing sparse GP models utilizing low-rank representations due to its more relaxed conditional independence assumption (especially with larger data). |
394 | Noise-Robust Semi-Supervised Learning by Large-Scale Sparse Coding | Zhiwu Lu, Xin Gao, Liwei Wang, Ji-Rong Wen, Songfang Huang | This paper presents a large-scale sparse coding algorithm to deal with the challenging problem of noise-robust semi-supervised learning over very large data with only few noisy initial labels. |
395 | The Hybrid Nested/Hierarchical Dirichlet Process and its Application to Topic Modeling with Word Differentiation | Tengfei Ma, Issei Sato, Hiroshi Nakagawa | Specifically, we introduce a clustering structure for the groups. |
396 | UT Austin Villa 2014: RoboCup 3D Simulation League Champion via Overlapping Layered Learning | Patrick MacAlpine, Mike Depinet, Peter Stone | Layered learning is a hierarchical machine learning paradigm that enables learning of complex behaviors by incrementally learning a series of sub-behaviors. |
397 | The Queue Method: Handling Delay, Heuristics, Prior Data, and Evaluation in Bandits | Travis Mandel, Yun-En Liu, Emma Brunskill, Zoran Popović | We present the Stochastic Delayed Bandits (SDB) algorithm as a solution to these four problems, which takes black-box bandit algorithms (including heuristic approaches) as input while achieving good theoretical guarantees. |
398 | V-MIN: Efficient Reinforcement Learning through Demonstrations and Relaxed Reward Demands | David Martínez, Guillem Alenyà, Carme Torras | We present V-MIN, an algorithm that integrates teacher demonstrations with RL to learn complex tasks faster. |
399 | The Boundary Forest Algorithm for Online Supervised and Unsupervised Learning | Charles Mathy, Nate Derbinsky, Jose Bento, Jonathan Rosenthal, Jonathan Yedidia | We describe a new instance-based learning algorithm called the Boundary Forest (BF) algorithm, that can be used for supervised and unsupervised learning. |
400 | Using Machine Teaching to Identify Optimal Training-Set Attacks on Machine Learners | Shike Mei, Xiaojin Zhu | We investigate a problem at the intersection of machine learning and security: training-set attacks on machine learners. |
401 | Learning Relational Sum-Product Networks | Aniruddh Nath, Pedro M. Domingos | In this paper, we introduce Relational Sum-Product Networks (RSPNs), a new tractable first-order probabilistic architecture. |
402 | Tensor-Variate Restricted Boltzmann Machines | Tu Dinh Nguyen, Truyen Tran, Dinh Phung, Svetha Venkatesh | This paper introduces Tensor-variate Restricted Boltzmann Machines (TvRBMs) which generalize RBMs to capture the multiplicative interaction between data modes and the latent variables. |
403 | Probabilistic Attributed Hashing | Mingdong Ou, Peng Cui, Jun Wang, Fei Wang, Wenwu Zhu | In this paper, we propose a hashing learning framework, Probabilistic Attributed Hashing (PAH), to integrate attributes with low-level features. |
404 | Obtaining Well Calibrated Probabilities Using Bayesian Binning | Mahdi Pakdaman Naeini, Gregory Cooper, Milos Hauskrecht | In this paper we present a new non-parametric calibration method called Bayesian Binning into Quantiles (BBQ) which addresses key limitations of existing calibration methods. |
405 | Detecting and Tracking Concept Class Drift and Emergence in Non-Stationary Fast Data Streams | Brandon Shane Parker, Latifur Khan | To address all these issues, we propose an incremental semi-supervised method that provides general concept class label predictions, but it also tracks concept clusters within the feature space using an innovative new online clustering algorithm. |
406 | Detecting Change Points in the Large-Scale Structure of Evolving Networks | Leto Peel, Aaron Clauset | Here, we formalize for the first time the network change-point detection problem within an online probabilistic learning framework and introduce a method that can reliably solve it. |
407 | Adaptive Sampling with Optimal Cost for Class-Imbalance Learning | Yuxin Peng | To address the above issues, a novel approach of adaptive sampling with optimal cost is proposed for class-imbalance learning in this paper. |
408 | Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning with Continuous Pareto Frontier Approximation | Matteo Pirotta, Simone Parisi, Marcello Restelli | This paper is about learning a continuous approximation of the Pareto frontier in Multi-Objective Markov Decision Problems (MOMDPs). |
409 | Pareto Ensemble Pruning | Chao Qian, Yang Yu, Zhi-Hua Zhou | In this paper, motivated by the recent theoretical advance of evolutionary optimization, we investigate solving the two goals explicitly in a bi-objective formulation and propose the PEP (Pareto Ensemble Pruning) approach. |
410 | Leveraging Features and Networks for Probabilistic Tensor Decomposition | Piyush Rai, Yingjian Wang, Lawrence Carin | We present a probabilistic model for tensor decomposition where one or more tensor modes may have side-information about the mode entities in form of their features and/or their adjacency network. |
411 | Doubly Robust Covariate Shift Correction | Sashank Jakkam Reddi, Barnabas Poczos, Alex Smola | We propose a simple strategy for removing bias while retaining small variance. |
412 | Clustering Longitudinal Clinical Marker Trajectories from Electronic Health Data: Applications to Phenotyping and Endotype Discovery | Peter Schulam, Fredrick Wigley, Suchi Saria | In this paper, we propose the Probabilistic Subtyping Model (PSM) to identify subgroups based on clustering individual clinical severity markers. |
413 | SP-SVM: Large Margin Classifier for Data on Multiple Manifolds | Bin Shen, Bao-Di Liu, Qifan Wang, Yi Fang, Jan P. Allebach | To benefit from both the underlying low dimensional manifold structure and the large margin classifier, this paper proposes a novel method called Sparsity Preserving Support Vector Machine(SP-SVM), which explicitly considers the sparse representation of samples while maximizing the margin between different classes. |
414 | Spectral Label Refinement for Noisy and Missing Text Labels | Yangqiu Song, Chenguang Wang, Ming Zhang, Hailong Sun, Qiang Yang | In this paper, we provide a text label refinement algorithm to adjust the labels for such noisy and missing labeled datasets. |
415 | Unsupervised Feature Learning through Divergent Discriminative Feature Accumulation | Paul A. Szerlip, Gregory Morse, Justin K. Pugh, Kenneth O. Stanley | Unlike unsupervised approaches such as autoencoders that learn to reconstruct their inputs, this paper introduces an alternative approach to unsupervised feature learning called divergent discriminative feature accumulation (DDFA) that instead continually accumulates features that make novel discriminations among the training set. |
416 | Agnostic System Identification for Monte Carlo Planning | Erik Talvitie | This paper explores the interaction between DAgger and Monte Carlo planning, specifically showing that DAgger may perform poorly when coupled with a sub-optimal planner. |
417 | Optimizing the CVaR via Sampling | Aviv Tamar, Yonatan Glassner, Shie Mannor | Based on this formula, we propose a novel sampling-based estimator for the gradient of the CVaR, in the spirit of the likelihood-ratio method. |
418 | High-Confidence Off-Policy Evaluation | Philip S. Thomas, Georgios Theocharous, Mohammad Ghavamzadeh | In this paper we propose an off-policy method for computing a lower confidence bound on the expected return of a policy. |
419 | TODTLER: Two-Order-Deep Transfer Learning | Jan Van Haaren, Andrey Kolobov, Jesse Davis | In this paper, we address this issue by regarding transfer learning as a process that biases learning in a target domain in favor of patterns useful in a source domain. |
420 | Compress and Control | Joel Veness, Marc G Bellemare, Marcus Hutter, Alvin Chua, Guillaume Desjardins | This paper describes a new information-theoretic policy evaluation technique for reinforcement learning. |
421 | Improving Multi-Step Prediction of Learned Time Series Models | Arun Venkatraman, Martial Hebert, J.. Andrew Bagnell | We present an approach that reuses training data to make a no-regret learner robust to errors made during multi-step prediction. |
422 | Gaussian Cardinality Restricted Boltzmann Machines | Cheng Wan, Xiaoming Jin, Guiguang Ding, Dou Shen | To solve this problem, we proposed a generalized model with adaptive sparsity constraint, named Gaussian Cardinality Restricted Boltzmann Machines (GC-RBM). |
423 | Online Boosting Algorithms for Anytime Transfer and Multitask Learning | Boyu Wang, Joelle Pineau | The goal of our work is to provide sound extensions to existing transfer and multitask learning algorithms such that they can be used in an anytime setting. |
424 | Convex Batch Mode Active Sampling via α-Relative Pearson Divergence | Hanmo Wang, Liang Du, Peng Zhou, Lei Shi, Yi-Dong Shen | In this paper, we propose a novel approach to selecting the optimal batch of queries by minimizing the α-relative Pearson divergence (RPE) between the labeled and the original datasets. |
425 | Relational Stacked Denoising Autoencoder for Tag Recommendation | Hao Wang, Xingjian Shi, Dit-Yan Yeung | In this paper, we start with a deep learning model called stacked denoising autoencoder (SDAE) in an attempt to learn more effective content representation. |
426 | Learning Robust Locality Preserving Projection via p-Order Minimization | Hua Wang, Feiping Nie, Heng Huang | In this paper, motivated by existing studies that improve the robustness of statistical learning models via L1-norm or not-squared L2-norm formulations, we propose a robust LPP (rLPP) formulation to minimize the p-th order of the L2-norm distances, which can better tolerate large outlying data samples because it suppress the introduced biased more than the L1-norm or not squared L2-norm minimizations. |
427 | Learning to Hash on Structured Data | Qifan Wang, Luo Si, Bin Shen | Hashing techniques have been widely applied for large scale similarity search problems due to the computational and memory efficiency.However, most existing hashing methods assume data examples are independently and identically distributed.But there often exists various additional dependency/structure information between data examplesin many real world applications. |
428 | Transfer Feature Representation via Multiple Kernel Learning | Wei Wang, Hao Wang, Chen Zhang, Fanjiang Xu | In this paper, we generalize the framework of MKL for cross-domain feature learning and propose a novel Transfer Feature Representation (TFR) algorithm. |
429 | Optimal Estimation of Multivariate ARMA Models | Martha White, Junfeng Wen, Michael Bowling, Dale Schuurmans | Unfortunately, the lack of globally optimal parameter estimation strategies for these models remains a problem:application studies often adopt the simpler autoregressive model that can be easily estimated by maximizing (a posteriori) likelihood. |
430 | Improving Approximate Value Iteration with Complex Returns by Bounding | Robert William Wright, Xingye Qiao, Steven Loscalzo, Lei Yu | We propose a bounding method which uses a negatively biased but relatively low variance estimator generated from a complex return to provide a lower bound on the observed value of a traditional one-step return estimator. |
431 | Bayesian Model Averaging Naive Bayes (BMA-NB): Averaging over an Exponential Number of Feature Models in Linear Time | Ga Wu, Scott Sanner, Rodrigo F.S.C. Oliveira | In this paper, we show for the first time that it is possible to exactly evaluate BMA over the exponentially-sized powerset of NB feature models in linear-time in the number of features; this yields an algorithm about as expensive to train as a single NB model with all features, but yet provably converges to the globally optimal feature subset in the asymptotic limit of data. |
432 | Dictionary Learning with Mutually Reinforcing Group-Graph Structures | Hongteng Xu, Licheng Yu, Dixin Luo, Hongyuan Zha, Yi Xu | In this paper, we propose a novel dictionary learning method in the semi-supervised setting by dynamically coupling graph and group structures. |
433 | Active Manifold Learning via Gershgorin Circle Guided Sample Selection | Hongteng Xu, Hongyuan Zha, Ren-Cang Li, Mark A. Davenport | In this paper, we propose an interpretation of active learning from a pure algebraic view and combine it with semi-supervised manifold learning. |
434 | Nystrom Approximation for Sparse Kernel Methods: Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Evaluation | Zenglin Xu, Rong Jin, Bin Shen, Shenghuo Zhu | In this paper, we consider the Nystrom approximation for sparse kernel methods. |
435 | OMNI-Prop: Seamless Node Classification on Arbitrary Label Correlation | Yuto Yamaguchi, Christos Faloutsos, Hiroyuki Kitagawa | In this paper, we focus on the node classification problem on networks, which is one of the most important topics in AI and Web communities. |
436 | Non-Linear Regression for Bag-of-Words Data via Gaussian Process Latent Variable Set Model | Yuya Yoshikawa, Tomoharu Iwata, Hiroshi Sawada | Gaussian process (GP) regression is a widely used method for non-linear prediction.The performance of the GP regression depends on whether it can properly capture the covariance structure of target variables, which is represented by kernels between input data.However, when the input is represented as a set of features, e.g. bag-of-words, it is difficult to calculate desirable kernel values because the co-occurrence of different but relevant words cannot be reflected in the kernel calculation.To overcome this problem, we propose a Gaussian process latent variable set model (GP-LVSM), which is a non-linear regression model effective for bag-of-words data.With the GP-LVSM, a latent vector is associated with each word, and each document is represented as a distribution of the latent vectors for words appearing in the document. |
437 | A Mathematical Programming-Based Approach to Determining Objective Functions from Qualitative and Subjective Comparisons | Takayuki Yoshizumi | The solutions or states of optimization problems or simulations are evaluated by using objective functions. |
438 | Exact Recoverability of Robust PCA via Outlier Pursuit with Tight Recovery Bounds | Hongyang Zhang, Zhouchen Lin, Chao Zhang, Edward Y. Chang | In this paper, with incoherence condition and proposed ambiguity condition we prove that Outlier Pursuit succeeds when the rank of the intrinsic matrix is of O(n log n) and the sparsity of the corruption matrix is of O(n). |
439 | Multi-Source Domain Adaptation: A Causal View | Kun Zhang, Mingming Gong, Bernhard Schoelkopf | Under appropriate assumptions, the availability of multiple source domains allows a natural way to reconstruct the conditional distribution on the target domain; we propose to model PX|Y (the process to generate effect X from cause Y ) on the target domain as a linear mixture of those on source domains, and estimate all involved parameters by matching the target-domain feature distribution. |
440 | Online Bandit Learning for a Special Class of Non-Convex Losses | Lijun Zhang, Tianbao Yang, Rong Jin, Zhi-Hua Zhou | In this paper, we investigate the problem of online bandit learning with non-convex losses, and develop an efficient algorithm with formal theoretical guarantees. |
441 | Online Dictionary Learning on Symmetric Positive Definite Manifolds with Vision Applications | Shengping Zhang, Shiva Kasiviswanathan, Pong C. Yuen, Mehrtash Harandi | We make use of the Stein divergence to recast the problem of online dictionary learning on the manifolds to a problem in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces, for which, we develop efficient algorithms by taking into account the geometric structure of the SPD manifolds. |
442 | Constrained NMF-Based Multi-View Clustering on Unmapped Data | Xianchao Zhang, Linlin Zong, Xinyue Liu, Hong Yu | In this paper,we tackle the problem of multi-view clustering for unmappeddata in the framework of NMF based clustering.With the help of inter-view constraints, we definethe disagreement between each pair of views by the factthat the indicator vectors of two instances from two differentviews should be similar if they belong to the samecluster and dissimilar otherwise. |
443 | Multi-Task Learning and Algorithmic Stability | Yu Zhang | In this paper, we study multi-task algorithms from the perspective of the algorithmic stability. |
444 | SoF: Soft-Cluster Matrix Factorization for Probabilistic Clustering | Han Zhao, Pascal Poupart, Yongfeng Zhang, Martin Lysy | We propose SoF (Soft-cluster matrix Factorization), a probabilistic clustering algorithm which softly assigns each data point into clusters. |
445 | Self-Paced Learning for Matrix Factorization | Qian Zhao, Deyu Meng, Lu Jiang, Qi Xie, Zongben Xu, Alexander G. Hauptmann | To alleviate this deficiency, in this study we present a new MF learning methodology by gradually including matrix elements into MF training from easy to complex. |
446 | Cross-Modal Similarity Learning via Pairs, Preferences, and Active Supervision | Yi Zhen, Piyush Rai, Hongyuan Zha, Lawrence Carin | We present a probabilistic framework for learning pairwise similarities between objects belonging to different modalities, such as drugs and proteins, or text and images. |
447 | A Reduction of the Elastic Net to Support Vector Machines with an Application to GPU Computing | Quan Zhou, Wenlin Chen, Shiji Song, Jacob R. Gardner, Kilian Q. Weinberger, Yixin Chen | In this paper we introduce a formal and practical reduction between two of the most widely used machine learning algorithms: from the Elastic Net (and the Lasso as a special case) to the Support Vector Machine. |
448 | 10,000+ Times Accelerated Robust Subset Selection | Feiyun Zhu, Bin Fan, Xinliang Zhu, Ying Wang, Shiming Xiang, Chunhong Pan | To address the above two issues, we propose an accelerated robust subset selection (ARSS) method. |
449 | Tractable Cost-Optimal Planning over Restricted Polytree Causal Graphs | Meysam Aghighi, Peter Jonsson, Simon Ståhlberg | We prove tractability of cost-optimal planning by providing an algorithm based on a novel notion of variable isomorphism. |
450 | Some Fixed Parameter Tractability Results for Planning with Non-Acyclic Domain-Transition Graphs | Christer Bäckström | In particular, we consider the case where each strongly connected component (SCC) in a DTG must be a simple cycle, and we show that planning is fpt for this case if the causal graph is a polytree. |
451 | Robustness in Probabilistic Temporal Planning | Jeb Brooks, Emilia Reed, Alexander Gruver, James C. Boerkoel | We introduce a new metric called robustness that measures the likelihood of success for probabilistic temporalplans. |
452 | SMT-Based Nonlinear PDDL+ Planning | Daniel Bryce, Sicun Gao, David Musliner, Robert Goldman | We present a new technique that accommodates nonlinear change by encoding problems as nonlinear hybrid systems. |
453 | Strong Temporal Planning with Uncontrollable Durations: A State-Space Approach | Alessandro Cimatti, Andrea Micheli, Marco Roveri | In this paper, we tackle the problem of temporal planning with uncontrollable action durations. |
454 | Factored MCTS for Large Scale Stochastic Planning | Hao Cui, Roni Khardon, Alan Fern, Prasad Tadepalli | We show that even with moderate increase in the size of existing challenge problems, the performance of state of the art algorithms deteriorates rapidly, making them ineffective.To address this problem we propose a family of simple but scalable online planning algorithms that combine sampling, as in Monte Carlo tree search, with “aggregation,” where the aggregation approximates a distribution over random variables by the product of their marginals. |
455 | Transition Constraints for Parallel Planning | Nina Ghanbari Ghooshchi, Majid Namazi, M A Hakim Newton, Abdul Sattar | We present a planner named Transition Constraints for Parallel Planning (TCPP). |
456 | Measuring Plan Diversity: Pathologies in Existing Approaches and A New Plan Distance Metric | Robert P. Goldman, Ugur Kuter | In this paper we present a plan-plan distance metric based on Kolmogorov(Algorithmic) complexity. |
457 | Efficient Bounds in Heuristic Search Algorithms for Stochastic Shortest Path Problems | Eric A. Hansen, Ibrahim Abdoulahi | We introduce a simple and efficient test for convergence that applies to SSP problems with positive action costs. |
458 | A Generalization of Sleep Sets Based on Operator Sequence Redundancy | Robert C. Holte, Yusra Alkhazraji, Martin Wehrle | In this paper, we propose a generalization of sleep sets and prove its correctness. |
459 | Goal Recognition Design for Non-Optimal Agents | Sarah Keren, Avigdor Gal, Erez Karpas | For two special cases of sub-optimal agents we present methods for calculating the wcd, part of which are based on novel compilations to classical planning problems. |
460 | Variable-Deletion Backdoors to Planning | Martin Kronegger, Sebastian Ordyniak, Andreas Pfandler | In this work we improve the situation by defining a new type of variable-deletion backdoors based on the extended causal graph of a planning instance. |
461 | Preference Planning for Markov Decision Processes | Meilun Li, Zhikun She, Andrea Turrini, Lijun Zhang | In this paper, we propose the probabilistic preference planning problem for Markov decision processes, where the preferences are based on an enriched probabilistic LTL-style logic. |
462 | Information Gathering and Reward Exploitation of Subgoals for POMDPs | Hang Ma, Joelle Pineau | In this paper, we propose Information Gathering and Reward Exploitation of Subgoals (IGRES), a randomized POMDP planning algorithm that leverages information in the state space to automatically generate “macro-actions” to tackle tasks with long planning horizons, while locally exploring the belief space to allow effective information gathering. |
463 | Planning Over Multi-Agent Epistemic States: A Classical Planning Approach | Christian Muise, Vaishak Belle, Paolo Felli, Sheila McIlraith, Tim Miller, Adrian R. Pearce, Liz Sonenberg | In this work, we address the task of synthesizing plans that necessitate reasoning about the beliefs of other agents. |
464 | From Non-Negative to General Operator Cost Partitioning | Florian Pommerening, Malte Helmert, Gabriele Röger, Jendrik Seipp | We show that LP heuristics for operator-counting constraints are cost-partitioned heuristics and that the state equation heuristic computes a cost partitioning over atomic projections. |
465 | Approximate Linear Programming for Constrained Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes | Pascal Poupart, Aarti Malhotra, Pei Pei, Kee-Eung Kim, Bongseok Goh, Michael Bowling | In this work, we describe a technique based on approximate linear programming to optimize policies in CPOMDPs. |
466 | Discretization of Temporal Models with Application to Planning with SMT | Jussi Rintanen | In this work we investigate the encoding of time in such constraint-based representations. |
467 | Exploiting Submodular Value Functions for Faster Dynamic Sensor Selection | Yash Satsangi, Shimon Whiteson, Frans A. Oliehoek | We propose a new POMDP planning method that uses greedy maximization to greatly improve scalability in the number of sensors. |
468 | Automatic Configuration of Sequential Planning Portfolios | Jendrik Seipp, Silvan Sievers, Malte Helmert, Frank Hutter | Here, we present Cedalion, a conceptually simple approach for this problem that greedily searches for the pair of parameter configuration and runtime which, when appended to the current portfolio, maximizes portfolio improvement per additional runtime spent. |
469 | Heuristics and Symmetries in Classical Planning | Alexander Shleyfman, Michael Katz, Malte Helmert, Silvan Sievers, Martin Wehrle | We investigate the symmetry properties of existing heuristics and reveal that many of them are invariant under symmetries. |
470 | Factored Symmetries for Merge-and-Shrink Abstractions | Silvan Sievers, Martin Wehrle, Malte Helmert, Alexander Shleyfman, Michael Katz | We propose the concept of factored symmetries for merge-and-shrink abstractions based on the established concept of symmetry reduction for state-space search. |
471 | Improving Exploration in UCT Using Local Manifolds | Sriram Srinivasan, Erik Talvitie, Michael Bowling | In this paper, weimprove exploration in UCT by generalizing across similarstates using a given distance metric. |
472 | Tractability of Planning with Loops | Siddharth Srivastava, Shlomo Zilberstein, Abhishek Gupta, Pieter Abbeel, Stuart Russell | We create a unified framework for analyzing and synthesizing plans with loops for solving problems with non-deterministic numeric effects and a limited form of partial observability. |
473 | Real-Time Symbolic Dynamic Programming | Luis Gustavo Rocha Vianna, Leliane N. de Barros, Scott Sanner | In this work, wesimultaneously address both of these problems by introducing real-timeSDP (RTSDP). |
474 | tBurton: A Divide and Conquer Temporal Planner | David Wang, Brian Williams | We present tBurton, a temporal planner that supports these features, while additionally producing a temporally least-commitment plan. |
475 | Multi-Objective MDPs with Conditional Lexicographic Reward Preferences | Kyle Hollins Wray, Shlomo Zilberstein, Abdel-Illah Mouaddib | We introduce a rich model called Lexicographic MDP (LMDP) and a corresponding planning algorithm called LVI that generalize previous work by allowing for conditional lexicographic preferences with slack. |
476 | Resolving Over-Constrained Probabilistic Temporal Problems through Chance Constraint Relaxation | Peng Yu, Cheng Fang, Brian Williams | In this paper, we present a decision aid system that helps human operators diagnose the source of risk and manage uncertainty in temporal problems. |
477 | An Efficient Forest-Based Tabu Search Algorithm for the Split-delivery Vehicle Routing Problem | Zizhen Zhang, Huang He, Zhixing Luo, Hu Qin, Songshan Guo | Differently, our approach employs the combination of a set of routes and a forest to represent the solution. |
478 | Crowdsourced Action-Model Acquisition for Planning | Hankz Hankui Zhuo | Creating action models is, however, a difficult task that costs much manual effort. Specifically, we first build a set of soft constraints based on the labels (true or false) given by the crowd or annotators. |
479 | Loss-Calibrated Monte Carlo Action Selection | Ehsan Abbasnejad, Justin Domke, Scott Sanner | In this paper we remedy this problem by deriving an optimal proposal distribution for a loss-calibrated Monte Carlo importance sampler that bounds the regret of using an estimated optimal action. |
480 | Solving Uncertain MDPs with Objectives that Are Separable over Instantiations of Model Uncertainty | Yossiri Adulyasak, Pradeep Varakantham, Asrar Ahmed, Patrick Jaillet | Markov Decision Problems, MDPs offer an effective mechanism for planning under uncertainty. |
481 | Linear-Time Gibbs Sampling in Piecewise Graphical Models | Hadi Mohasel Afshar, Scott Sanner, Ehsan Abbasnejad | Many real-world Bayesian inference problems such as preference learning or trader valuation modeling in financial markets naturally use piecewise likelihoods. |
482 | Stable Model Counting and Its Application in Probabilistic Logic Programming | Rehan Abdul Aziz, Geoffrey Chu, Christian Muise, Peter James Stuckey | In this paper, we show that for some problems that involve inductive definitions like reachability in a graph, the translation of logic programs to SAT can be expensive for the purpose of solving inference tasks. |
483 | Recovering Causal Effects from Selection Bias | Elias Bareinboim, Jin Tian | In this paper, we tackle these instances non-parametrically and in full generality. |
484 | Egalitarian Collective Decision Making under Qualitative Possibilistic Uncertainty: Principles and Characterization | Nahla Ben Amor, Fatma Essghaier, Helene Fargier | This paper raises the question of collective decisionmaking under possibilistic uncertainty; We study fouregalitarian decision rules and show that in the contextof a possibilistic representation of uncertainty, the useof an egalitarian collective utility function allows toget rid of the Timing Effect. |
485 | Representing Aggregators in Relational Probabilistic Models | David Buchman, David Poole | We consider the problem of, given a probabilistic model on a set of random variables, how to add a new variable that depends on the other variables, without changing the original distribution. |
486 | Optimal Cost Almost-Sure Reachability in POMDPs | Krishnendu Chatterjee, Martin Chmelik, Raghav Gupta, Ayush Kanodia | The optimization objective we study asks to minimize the expected total cost till the target set is reached, while ensuring that the target set is reached almost-surely (with probability 1). |
487 | Value of Information Based on Decision Robustness | Suming Jeremiah Chen, Arthur Choi, Adnan Darwiche | We propose a new criterion for measuring the value of information, which values information that leads to robust decisions (i.e., ones that are unlikely to change due to new information). |
488 | Submodular Surrogates for Value of Information | Yuxin Chen, Shervin Javdani, Amin Karbasi, J. Andrew Bagnell, Siddhartha Srinivasa, Andreas Krause | In this paper, we introduce DiRECt, an efficient yet near-optimal algorithm for nonmyopically optimizing value of information. |
489 | Bayesian Networks Specified Using Propositional and Relational Constructs: Combined, Data, and Domain Complexity | Fabio Gagliardi Cozman, Denis Deratani Maua | We examine the inferential complexity of Bayesian networks specified through logical constructs. |
490 | An Improved Lower Bound for Bayesian Network Structure Learning | Xiannian Fan, Changhe Yuan | This work introduces a new partition method based on information extracted from the potential optimal parent sets (POPS) of the variables. |
491 | Approximately Optimal Risk-Averse Routing Policies via Adaptive Discretization | Darrell Hoy, Evdokia Nikolova | In this paper, we consider general utility functions and investigate efficient computation of approximately optimal routing policies, where the goal is to maximize the expected utility of arriving at a destination around a given deadline. |
492 | Better Be Lucky than Good: Exceeding Expectations in MDP Evaluation | Thomas Keller, Florian Geißer | We introduce the MDP-Evaluation Stopping Problem, the optimization problem faced by participants of the International Probabilistic Planning Competition 2014 that focus on their own performance. |
493 | Reward Shaping for Model-Based Bayesian Reinforcement Learning | Hyeoneun Kim, Woosang Lim, Kanghoon Lee, Yung-Kyun Noh, Kee-Eung Kim | In this paper, we present potential-based shaping for improving the learning performance in model-based BRL. |
494 | Tighter Value Function Bounds for Bayesian Reinforcement Learning | Kanghoon Lee, Kee-Eung Kim | In this paper, we propose a novel approach to compute tighter value function bounds of the Bayes-optimal value function, which is crucial for improving the performance of many model-based BRL algorithms. |
495 | Knowledge-Based Probabilistic Logic Learning | Phillip Odom, Tushar Khot, Reid Porter, Sriraam Natarajan | Advice giving has been long explored in artificial intelligence to build robust learning algorithms. |
496 | On the Decreasing Power of Kernel and Distance Based Nonparametric Hypothesis Tests in High Dimensions | Aaditya Ramdas, Sashank Jakkam Reddi, Barnabas Poczos, Aarti Singh, Larry Wasserman | We identify different sources of misconception that give rise to the above belief. |
497 | Representation Discovery for MDPs Using Bisimulation Metrics | Sherry Shanshan Ruan, Gheorghe Comanici, Prakash Panangaden, Doina Precup | We propose an algorithm to generate an iteratively improving sequence of state space partitions. |
498 | Lifting Model Sampling for General Game Playing to Incomplete-Information Models | Michael Schofield, Michael Thielscher | We present and analyse a method for escalating reasoning from complete information models to incomplete information models and show how this enables a general game player to correctly value information in incomplete information games. |
499 | On Interruptible Pure Exploration in Multi-Armed Bandits | Alexander Shleyfman, Antonín Komenda, Carmel Domshlak | We introduce Discriminative Bucketing (DB), a novel family of strategies for pure exploration in MABs, which allows for adapting recent advances in non-interruptible strategies to the interruptible setting, while guaranteeing exponential-rate performance improvement over time. |
500 | Lifted Probabilistic Inference for Asymmetric Graphical Models | Guy Van den Broeck, Mathias Niepert | We present a framework for probabilistic sampling-based inference that only uses the induced approximate symmetries to propose steps in a Metropolis-Hastings style Markov chain. |
501 | Just Count the Satisfied Groundings: Scalable Local-Search and Sampling Based Inference in MLNs | Deepak Venugopal, Somdeb Sarkhel, Vibhav Gogate | Deriving from the vast amount of literature on CSPs and graphical models, we propose an exact junction-tree based algorithm for computing the number of solutions of the dynamic CSP, analyze its properties, and show how it can be used to improve the computational complexity of Gibbs sampling and MaxWalksat. |
502 | Hierarchical Monte-Carlo Planning | Ngo Anh Vien, Marc Toussaint | We propose novel, scalable MCTS methods which integrate atask hierarchy into the MCTS framework, specifically lead-ing to hierarchical versions of both, UCT and POMCP. |
503 | Chance-Constrained Scheduling via Conflict-Directed Risk Allocation | Andrew J. Wang, Brian C. Williams | The key insight, compared to previous work in probabilistic scheduling, is to decouple the reasoning about temporal and risk constraints. |
504 | Learning to Reject Sequential Importance Steps for Continuous-Time Bayesian Networks | Jeremy C. Weiss, Sriraam Natarajan, C. David Page | We introduce ReBaSIS, a method that better approximates the target distribution by sampling variable by variable from existing importance samplers and accepting or rejecting each proposed assignment in the sequence: a choice made based on anticipating upcoming evidence. |
505 | Nonparametric Scoring Rules | Erik Peter Zawadzki, Sebastien Lahaie | In this paper, we provide such a scoring rule based on a nonparametric approach of eliciting a set of samples from the agent and efficiently evaluating the score using kernel methods. |
506 | On Fairness in Decision-Making under Uncertainty: Definitions, Computation, and Comparison | Chongjie Zhang, Julie A. Shah | To address this issue, this paper introduces egalitarian solution criteria for sequential decision-making under uncertainty, which are based on the maximin principle. |
507 | An Exact Algorithm for Solving Most Relevant Explanation in Bayesian Networks | Xiaoyuan Zhu, Changhe Yuan | This paper fills the void and introduces a breadth-first branch-and-bound MRE algorithm based on a novel upper bound on GBF. |
508 | Proximal Operators for Multi-Agent Path Planning | Jose Bento, Nate Derbinsky, Charles Mathy, Jonathan S. Yedidia | In this paper we resolve these limitations. |
509 | This Time the Robot Settles for a Cost: A Quantitative Approach to Temporal Logic Planning with Partial Satisfaction | Morteza Lahijanian, Shaull Almagor, Dror Fried, Lydia E. Kavraki, Moshe Y. Vardi | To relax this limitation, we introduce a method for quantifying the satisfaction of co-safe linear temporal logic specifications, and propose a planner that uses this method to synthesize robot trajectories with the optimal satisfaction value. |
510 | Intent Prediction and Trajectory Forecasting via Predictive Inverse Linear-Quadratic Regulation | Mathew Monfort, Anqi Liu, Brian Ziebart | We address these two challenges, high dimensionality and uncertainty, by employing predictive inverse optimal control methods to estimate a probabilistic model of human motion trajectories. |
511 | Spatio-Spectral Exploration Combining In Situ and Remote Measurements | David Ray Thompson, David Wettergreen, Greydon Foil, Michael Furlong, Anatha Ravi Kiran | We introduce a new objective function based on spectral unmixing that seeks pure spectral signatures to accurately model diluted remote signals. |
512 | Robot Learning Manipulation Action Plans by “Watching” Unconstrained Videos from the World Wide Web | Yezhou Yang, Yi Li, Cornelia Fermuller, Yiannis Aloimonos | This paper presents a system that learns manipulation action plans by processing unconstrained videos from the World Wide Web. |
513 | Efficient Extraction of QBF (Counter)models from Long-Distance Resolution Proofs | Valeriy Balabanov, Jie-Hong Roland Jiang, Mikolas Janota, Magdalena Widl | This paper settles this open problem affirmatively by constructing a linear-time extraction procedure. |
514 | SAT Modulo Monotonic Theories | Sam Bayless, Noah Bayless, Holger H. Hoos, Alan J. Hu | In this paper, we define the concept of a Boolean monotonic theory and show how to easily build efficient SMT solvers, including effective theory propagation and clause learning, for such theories. |
515 | On Computing Maximal Subsets of Clauses that Must Be Satisfiable with Possibly Mutually-Contradictory Assumptive Contexts | Philippe Besnard, Eric Grégoire, Jean-Marie JM Lagniez | The method applies for subsets that are maximal with respect to inclusion or cardinality. |
516 | Strong Bounds Consistencies and Their Application to Linear Constraints | Christian Bessiere, Anastasia Paparrizou, Kostas Stergiou | Hence, we propose two polynomial-time techniques to enforce approximations of these two consistencies on linear constraints. |
517 | SMT-Based Validation of Timed Failure Propagation Graphs | Marco Bozzano, Alessandro Cimatti, Marco Gario, Andrea Micheli | In this work we address this problem by leveraging efficient Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) engines to perform exhaustive reasoning on TFPGs. |
518 | Binarisation via Dualisation for Valued Constraints | David A. Cohen, Martin C. Cooper, Peter G. Jeavons, Stanislav Zivny | Using this standard approach any fixed collection of constraints, of arbitrary arity, can be converted to an equivalent set of constraints of arity at most two. |
519 | SAT-Based Strategy Extraction in Reachability Games | Niklas Een, Alexander Legg, Nina Narodytska, Leonid Ryzhyk | We present the first strategy extraction algorithm for abstract game tree-based game solvers. |
520 | The Extendable-Triple Property: A New CSP Tractable Class beyond BTP | Philippe Jégou, Cyril Terrioux | In this paper, we propose a new class called ETP for Extendable-Triple Property, which generalizes BTP, by including it. |
521 | Online Detection of Abnormal Events Using Incremental Coding Length | Jayanta Kumar Dutta, Bonny Banerjee | We present an unsupervised approach for abnormal event detection in videos. |
522 | A Bayesian Approach to Perceptual 3D Object-Part Decomposition Using Skeleton-Based Representations | Tarek El-Gaaly, Vicky Froyen, Ahmed Elgammal, Jacob Feldman, Manish Singh | We present a probabilistic approach to shape decomposition that creates a skeleton-based shape representation of a 3D object while simultaneously decomposing it into constituent parts. |
523 | Exploring Semantic Inter-Class Relationships (SIR) for Zero-Shot Action Recognition | Chuang Gan, Ming Lin, Yi Yang, Yueting Zhuang, Alexander G.Hauptmann | To address this issue, we propose to perform action recognition when no positive exemplars of that class are provided, which is often known as the zero-shot learning. |
524 | Building Effective Representations for Sketch Recognition | Jun Guo, Changhu Wang, Hongyang Chao | In this work, we study how to build effective representations for sketch recognition. |
525 | Learning Predictable and Discriminative Attributes for Visual Recognition | Yuchen Guo, Guiguang Ding, Xiaoming Jin, Jianmin Wang | In this paper, we propose a novel method for learning predictable and discriminative attributes. |
526 | A Local Sparse Model for Matching Problem | Bo Jiang, Jin Tang, Chris Ding, Bin Luo | A Local Sparse Model for Matching Problem |
527 | Compute Less to Get More: Using ORC to Improve Sparse Filtering | Johannes Lederer, Sergio Guadarrama | In this paper, we connect the performance of Sparse Filtering with spectral properties of the corresponding feature matrices. |
528 | Sparse Deep Stacking Network for Image Classification | Jun Li, Heyou Chang, Jian Yang | Therefore, we propose a sparse SNNM module by adding the mixed-norm regularization (l1/l2 norm). |
529 | Surpassing Human-Level Face Verification Performance on LFW with GaussianFace | Chaochao Lu, Xiaoou Tang | To enhance discriminative power, we introduced a more efficient equivalent form of Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis to DGPLVM.To speed up the process of inference and prediction, we exploited the low rank approximation method. |
530 | Automatic Topic Discovery for Multi-Object Tracking | Wenhan Luo, Björn Stenger, Xiaowei Zhao, Tae-Kyun Kim | This paper proposes a new approach to multi-object tracking by semantic topic discovery. |
531 | Robust Subspace Clustering via Thresholding Ridge Regression | Xi Peng, Zhang Yi, Huajin Tang | In this paper, we present a new method of robust subspace clustering by eliminating the effect of the errors from the projection space (representation) rather than from the input space. |
532 | Multi-View Point Registration via Alternating Optimization | Junchi Yan, Jun Wang, Hongyuan Zha, Xiaokang Yang, Stephen M. Chu | We propose a novel multi-view registration method, where the optimal registration is achieved via an efficient and effective alternating concave minimization process. |
533 | Complex Event Detection via Event Oriented Dictionary Learning | Yan Yan, Yi Yang, Haoquan Shen, Deyu Meng, Gaowen Liu, Alex Hauptmann, Nicu Sebe | In this paper, we propose two novel strategies to automatically select semantic meaningful concepts for the event detection task based on both the events-kit text descriptions and the concepts high-level feature descriptions. |
534 | Deep Representation Learning with Target Coding | Shuo Yang, Ping Luo, Chen Change Loy, Kenneth W. Shum, Xiaoou Tang | In this paper, we show that there exists intrinsic relationship between target coding and feature representation learning in deep networks. |
535 | Learning to Describe Video with Weak Supervision by Exploiting Negative Sentential Information | Haonan Yu, Jeffrey Mark Siskind | In this paper, we learn to describe video by discriminatively training positive sentential labels against negative ones in a weakly supervised fashion: the meaning representations (i.e., HMMs) of individual words in these labels are learned from whole sentences without any correspondence annotation of what those words denote in the video. |
536 | Metric Learning Driven Multi-Task Structured Output Optimization for Robust Keypoint Tracking | Liming Zhao, Xi Li, Jun Xiao, Fei Wu, Yueting Zhuang | To address this issue, we propose a robust keypoint tracker based on spatio-temporal multi-task structured output optimization driven by discriminative metric learning. |
537 | Learning Face Hallucination in the Wild | Erjin Zhou, Haoqiang Fan, Zhimin Cao, Yuning Jiang, Qi Yin | In this paper, we present a new method of face hallucination, which can consistently improve the resolution of face images even with large appearance variations. |
538 | A Boosted Multi-Task Model for Pedestrian Detection with Occlusion Handling | Chao Zhu, Yuxin Peng | In this paper, we consider pedestrian detection in different occlusion levels as different but related problems, and propose a multi-task model to jointly consider their relatedness and differences. |
539 | Activity Planning for a Lunar Orbital Mission | John L. Bresina | We present the approach taken to reduce the complexity of the activity planning task in order to effectively perform it within the time pressures imposed by the mission requirements. |
540 | Robust System for Identifying Procurement Fraud | Amit Dhurandhar, Rajesh Ravi, Bruce Graves, Gopikrishnan Maniachari, Markus Ettl | In this paper, we describe a robust tool to identify procurement related fraud/risk, though the general design and the analytical components could be adapted to detecting fraud in other domains. |
541 | Position Assignment on an Enterprise Level Using Combinatorial Optimization | Leonard Kinnaird-Heether, Chris Dorman | This paper will describe the creation of this tool and how we have applied it, focusing on the need for developing such a tool, and how the continued development of this tool will benefit its users and the company. |
542 | Graph Analysis for Detecting Fraud,Waste, and Abuse in Healthcare Data | Juan Liu, Eric Bier, Aaron Wilson, Tomo Honda, Sricharan Kumar, Leilani Gilpin, John Guerra-Gomez, Daniel Davies | In this paper, we describe a system to detect suspicious activities in large healthcare claims datasets. |
543 | Planned Protest Modeling in News and Social Media | Sathappan Muthiah, Bert Huang, Jaime Arredondo, David Mares, Lise Getoor, Graham Katz, Naren Ramakrishnan | We develop such a system in this paper, using a combination of key phrase learning to identify what to look for, probabilistic soft logic to reason about location occurrences in extracted results, and time normalization to resolve future tense mentions. |
544 | Process Diagnosis System (PDS) – A 30 Year History | Edward D. Thompson, Ethan Frolich, James C. Bellows, Benjamin E. Bassford, Edward J. Skiko, Mark S. Fox | Process Diagnosis System (PDS) – A 30 Year History |
545 | Named Entity Recognition in Travel-Related Search Queries | Brooke Cowan, Sven Zethelius, Brittany Luk, Teodora Baras, Prachi Ukarde, Daodao Zhang | This paper describes an efficient machine learning-based solution for the high-quality extraction of semantic entities from query inputs in a restricted-domain information retrieval setting. |
546 | Automated Problem List Generation from Electronic Medical Records in IBM Watson | Murthy Devarakonda, Ching-Huei Tsou | We developed a machine learning technique in IBM Watson to automatically generate a patient’s medical problem list. |
547 | Using Qualitative Spatial Logic for Validating Crowd-Sourced Geospatial Data | Heshan Du, Hai Nguyen, Natasha Alechina, Brian Logan, Michael Jackson, John Goodwin | We describe a tool, MatchMaps, that generates sameAs and partOf matches between spatial objects (such as shops, shopping centres, etc.) in crowd-sourced and authoritative geospatial datasets. |
548 | Day-Ahead Hail Prediction Integrating Machine Learning with Storm-Scale Numerical Weather Models | David John Gagne II, Amy McGovern, Jerald Brotzge, Michael Coniglio, James Correia Jr., Ming Xue | We have developed an approach to forecasting hail that identifies potential hail storms in storm-scale numerical weather prediction models and matches them with observed hailstorms. |
549 | Capturing Human Route Preferences From Track Information: New Results | Johnathan Gohde, Mark Boddy, Hazel Shackleton, Steve Johnston | In this paper, we report on an extension to G2I2, called GUIDE, which adds significant new capabilities. |
550 | Design and Experiment of a Collaborative Planning Service for NetCentric International Brigade Command | Christophe Guettier, Willy Lamal, Israël Mayk, Jacques Yelloz | This paper focuses on two areas of interest: decision support based on automated planning and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) for rapid service development. |
551 | Aggregating User Input in Ecology Citizen Science Projects | Greg Hines, Alexandra Swanson, Margaret Kosmala, Chris Lintott | In this paper, we present a new aggregation algorithm which achieves an accuracy of 98.6\%, better than many human experts. |
552 | Leveraging Ontologies to Improve Model Generalization Automatically with Online Data Sources | Sasin Janpuangtong, Dylan A. Shell | This paper describes an end-to-end learning framework that allows a novice to create a model from data easily by helping structure the model building process and capturing extended aspects of domain knowledge. |
553 | HACKAR: Helpful Advice for Code Knowledge and Attack Resilience | Ugur Kuter, Mark Burstein, J. Benton, Daniel Bryce, Jordan Thayer, Steve McCoy | This paper describes a novel combination of Java program analysis and automated learning and planning architecture to the domain of Java vulnerability analysis. |
554 | A Robust and Extensible Tool for Data Integration Using Data Type Models | Andres Quiroz, Eric Huang, Luca Ceriani | We propose HiperFuse, which significantly automates the data integration process by providing a declarative interface, robust type inference, extensible domain-specific data models, and a data integration planner which optimizes for plan completion time. |
555 | Maestoso: An Intelligent Educational Sketching Tool for Learning Music Theory | Paul Taele, Laura Barreto, Tracy Hammond | In this paper, we describe Maestoso, an educational tool for novice learners to learn music theory through sketching practice of quizzed music structures. |
556 | Preventing HIV Spread in Homeless Populations Using PSINET | Amulya Yadav, Leandro Soriano Marcolino, Eric Rice, Robin Petering, Hailey Winetrobe, Harmony Rhoades, Milind Tambe, Heather Carmichael | Thus, we developed PSINET, a decision support system to aid the agencies in this task. |
557 | SKILL: A System for Skill Identification and Normalization | Meng Zhao, Faizan Javed, Ferosh Jacob, Matt McNair | In this paper we propose an automated approach for skill entity recognition and optimal normalization. |
558 | Elementary School Science and Math Tests as a Driver for AI: Take the Aristo Challenge! | Peter Clark | Here we propose this task as a challenge problem for the community, and are providing supporting datasets. |
559 | Time-Varying Clusters in Large-Scale Flow Cytometry | Jeremy Hyrkas, Daniel Halperin, Bill Howe | We describe the problem, the data, and some preliminary results demonstratingthe difficulty with conventional methods. |
560 | The Winograd Schema Challenge: Evaluating Progress in Commonsense Reasoning | Leora Morgenstern, Charles Ortiz | This paper describes the Winograd Schema Challenge (WSC), which has been suggested as an alternative to the Turing Test and as a means of measuring progress in commonsense reasoning. |
561 | Speech Adaptation in Extended Ambient Intelligence Environments | Bonnie J. Dorr, Lucian Galescu, Ian Perera, Kristy Hollingshead-Seitz, David Atkinson, Micah Clark, William Clancey, Yorick Wilks, Eric Fosler-Lussier | We suggest that the application ofdivergence detection to speech patterns may enable adaptation to a speaker’s increasing or decreasing level of speech impairment over time. |
562 | Intelligent Agents for Rehabilitation and Care of Disabled and Chronic Patients | Sarit Kraus | We will discuss the challenges of building an agent for the health care domain and present four capabilities that are required for an agent in the health care domain: planning, monitoring, intervention and encouragement. |
563 | Mechanism Learning with Mechanism Induced Data | Tie-Yan Liu, Wei Chen, Tao Qin | As shown in this paper, there are many interesting research topics along this direction, many of which are still open problems, waiting for researchers in our community to deeply investigate. |
564 | Emerging Architectures for Global System Science | Michela Milano, Pascal Van Hentenryck | This paper addresses emergent architectures enabling controlling, predicting and reaoning on these systems. |
565 | Blended Planning and Acting: Preliminary Approach, Research Challenges | Dana S. Nau, Malik Ghallab, Paolo Traverso | We describe some first steps toward developing such a formalization, and invite readers to carry out research along this line. |
566 | Impact of Modeling Languages on the Theory and Practice in Planning Research | Jussi Rintanen | We propose revisions to the research agenda in Automated Planning. |
567 | Steering Evolution Strategically: Computational Game Theory and Opponent Exploitation for Treatment Planning, Drug Design, and Synthetic Biology | Tuomas Sandholm | This has proven to be a key difficulty in developing therapies, since the organisms evolve resistance.I propose the wild idea of steering evolution strategically — using computational game theory for (typically incomplete-information) multistage games and opponent exploitation techniques. |
568 | Towards a Programmer’s Apprentice (Again) | Howard Elliot Shrobe, Boris Katz, Randall Davis | Towards a Programmer’s Apprentice (Again) |
569 | Conducting Neuroscience to Guide the Development of AI | Jeffrey Mark Siskind | Techniques like these can be used to study how the human brain grounds language in visual perception and may motivate development of novel approaches in AI. |
570 | Challenges in Resource and Cost Allocation | Toby Walsh | Many models and mechanisms in resource and cost allocation have been developed that are simple and abstract. |
571 | Explaining Watson: Polymath Style | Wlodek W. Zadrozny, Valeria de Paiva, Lawrence S. Moss | We present several arguments as we discuss the system. |
572 | Machine Teaching: An Inverse Problem to Machine Learning and an Approach Toward Optimal Education | Xiaojin Zhu | I draw the reader’s attention to machine teaching, the problem of finding an optimal training set given a machine learning algorithm and a target model. |
573 | Building Strong Semi-Autonomous Systems | Shlomo Zilberstein | We examine the broad rationale for semi-autonomy and define basic properties of such systems. |
574 | Achieving Intelligence Using Prototypes, Composition, and Analogy | Vinay K. Chaudhri | In this paper, I summarize the results of a decade-plus of research and development driven by the vision that human knowledge can be grounded in a small number of prototypical components that can be extended through composition and analogy. |
575 | Towards User-Adaptive Information Visualization | Cristina Conati, Giuseppe Carenini, Dereck Toker, Sébastien Lallé | This paper summarizes an ongoing multi-year project aiming to uncover knowledge and techniques for devising intelligent environments for user-adaptive visualizations. |
576 | Languages for Learning and Mining | Luc De Raedt | This note provides a gentle introduction to three types of languages that support machine learning and data mining: inductive query languages, which extend database query languages with primitives for mining and learning, modelling languages, which allow to declaratively specify and solve mining and learning problems, and programming languages, that support the learning of functions and subroutines. |
577 | Compile! | Pierre Marquis | In this paper, the focus is laid on three KC topics which gave rise to many works: the development of knowledge compilation techniques for the clausal entailment problem in propositional logic, the concept of compilability and the notion of knowledge compilation map. |
578 | On the Diagnosis of Cyber-Physical Production Systems | Oliver Niggemann, Volker Lohweg | Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPSs) are in the focus of research, industry and politics: By applying new IT and new computer science solutions, production systems will become more adaptable, more resource ef- ficient and more user friendly. |
579 | Abstraction for Solving Large Incomplete-Information Games | Tuomas Sandholm | In this paper, I will review key developments in the field. |
580 | Semantic Representation | Lenhart K. Schubert | This paper provides a brief “opinionated survey” of broad-coverage semantic representation (SR). |
581 | A Succinct Conceptualization of the Foundations for a Network Organization Paradigm | Saad Alqithami | The paper concisely proposes a distinguishing paradigm to study a very large, collective group of agents that is called Network Organization. |
582 | A Goal-Based Model of Personality for Planning-Based Narrative Generation | Julio Cesar Bahamon, Camille Barot, R. Michael Young | We present an approach to incorporate interesting and compelling characters in planning-based narrative generation. |
583 | Leveraging Common Structure to Improve Prediction across Related Datasets | Matt Barnes, Nick Gisolfi, Madalina Fiterau, Artur Dubrawski | As standard outlier detection and robust classification usually fall short of determining groups of spurious samples, we propose a procedure which identifies the common structure across datasets by minimizing a multi-dataset divergence metric, increasing accuracy for new datasets. |
584 | Stochastic Blockmodeling for Online Advertising | Li Chen, Matthew Patton | In this paper, we introduce a stochastic blockmodeling for the website relations induced by the event of online user visitation. |
585 | Query Abduction for ELH Ontologies | Mahsa Chitsaz, Zhe Wang, Kewen Wang | In this paper, we develop a sound and complete algorithm of query abduction for general conjunctive queries in ELH ontologies. |
586 | A Multi-Pass Sieve for Name Normalization | Jennifer D'Souza | We propose a simple multi-pass sieve framework that applies tiers of deterministic normalization modules one at a time from highest to lowest precision for the task of normalizing names. |
587 | A Sequence Labeling Approach to Deriving Word Variants | Jennifer D'Souza | This paper describes a learning-based approach for automatic derivation of word variant forms bythe suffixation process. |
588 | Predicting the Quality of User Experiences to Improve Productivity and Wellness | Priya Lekha Donti, Jacob Rosenbloom, Alex Gruver, James Jr C. Boerkoel | In order to test these hypotheses, we introduce the Productivity and Wellness Pal (PaWPal), a smartphone-based application that seeks to make users aware of their efficacy at various tasks as well as which courses of action are likely to lead to immersive experiences. |
589 | Modelling Individual Negative Emotion Spreading Process with Mobile Phones | Zhanwei Du, Yongjian Yang, Chuang Ma, Yuan Bai | In this paper, we propose a Graph-Coupled Hidden Markov Sentiment Model for modeling the propagation of infectious negative sentiment locally within a social network. |
590 | Active Learning for Informative Projection Retrieval | Madalina Fiterau, Artur Dubrawski | We introduce an active learning framework designed to train classification models which use informative projections. |
591 | Placing Influencing Agents in a Flock | Katie Genter, Peter Stone | In our ongoing work highlighted in this abstract, we are specifically considering the problem of where to initially place influencing agents that we add to such a flock. |
592 | Characterizing Performance of Consistency Algorithms by Algorithm Configuration of Random CSP Generators | Daniel J. Geschwender, Robert J. Woodward, Berthe Y. Choueiry | In order to understand what problem features lead to better performance of one algorithm over another, we utilize an algorithm configurator to tune the parameters of a random problem generator and maximize the performance difference of two consistency algorithms for enforcing constraint minimality. |
593 | Finding Meaningful Gaps to Guide Data Acquisition for a Radiation Adjudication System | Nick Gisolfi, Madalina Fiterau, Artur Dubrawski | Intended for use when data acquisition is an iterative process controlled by domain experts, our method exposes insufficiencies of training data and presents them in a user-friendly manner. |
594 | Dealing with Trouble: A Data-Driven Model of a Repair Type for a Conversational Agent | Sviatlana Höhn | Here I describe a data-driven model for simulation of dialogue sequences where the learner user does not understand the talk of a conversational agent in chat and asks for clarification. |
595 | On Manipulablity of Random Serial Dictatorship in Sequential Matching with Dynamic Preferences | Hadi Hosseini, Kate Larson, Robin Cohen | We propose a generic framework for evaluating sequential matching mechanisms with dynamic preferences, and show that unlike single-shot settings, the random serial dictatorship mechanism is manipulable. |
596 | Language Independent Feature Extractor | Young-Seob Jeong, Ho-Jin Choi | We propose a new customizable tool, Language Independent Feature Extractor (LIFE), which models the inherent patterns of any language and extracts relevant features of thelanguage. |
597 | Coupled Collaborative Filtering for Context-aware Recommendation | Xinxin Jiang, Wei Liu, Longbing Cao, Guodong Long | We propose a Coupled Collaborative Filtering (CCF) model to measure the contextual information and use it to improve recommendations. |
598 | Sorted Neighborhood for the Semantic Web | Mayank Kejriwal | Sorted Neighborhood for the Semantic Web |
599 | Effect of Spatial Pooler Initialization on Column Activity in Hierarchical Temporal Memory | Mackenzie Leake, Liyu Xia, Kamil Rocki, Wayne Imaino | Effect of Spatial Pooler Initialization on Column Activity in Hierarchical Temporal Memory |
600 | Acronym Disambiguation Using Word Embedding | Chao Li, Lei Ji, Jun Yan | In this paper, we propose two word embedding based models for acronym disambiguation. |
601 | Learning Word Vectors Efficiently Using Shared Representations and Document Representations | Qun Luo, Weiran Xu | We propose some better word embedding models based on vLBL model and ivLBL model by sharing representations between context and target words and using document representations. |
602 | Just-in-Time Hierarchical Constraint Decomposition | Valentin Mayer-Eichberger | My research project extends the LCG methodology by using a mix of eager and lazy encodings and a richer set of constraint decompositions. |
603 | Every Team Deserves a Second Chance: Identifying When Things Go Wrong (Student Abstract Version) | Vaishnavh Nagarajan, Leandro Soriano Marcolino, Milind Tambe | We show that without using any domain knowledge, we can predict the final performance of a team of voting agents, at any step towards solving a complex problem. |
604 | Active Advice Seeking for Inverse Reinforcement Learning | Phillip Odom, Sriraam Natarajan | We consider the problem of actively soliciting human advice in an inverse reinforcement learning setting where the utilities are learned from demonstrations. |
605 | Designing Vaccines that Are Robust to Virus Escape | Swetasudha Panda, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik | We propose a three-pronged approach to address this: first, application of local search, using a native antibody sequence as leverage, second, machine learning to predict binding for antibody-virus pairs, and third, a poisson regression to predict escape costs as a function of antibody sequence assignment. |
606 | “Is It Rectangular?” Using I Spy as an Interactive, Game-Based Approach to Multimodal Robot Learning | Natalie Paige Parde, Michalis Papakostas, Konstantinos Tsiakas, Rodney D. Nielsen | “Is It Rectangular?” Using I Spy as an Interactive, Game-Based Approach to Multimodal Robot Learning |
607 | A New Computational Intelligence Model for Long-Term Prediction of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity | Mahboobeh Parsapoor, John Brooke, Bertil Svensson | This paper briefly describes how the neural structure of fear conditioning has inspired to develop a computational intelligence model that is referred to as the brain emotional learning-inspired model (BELIM). |
608 | GEF: A Self-Programming Robot Using Grammatical Evolution | Charles Peabody, Jennifer H. Seitzer | In this work, we present GEF (“Grammatical Evolution for the Finch”), a system that employs grammatical evolution to create a Finch robot controller program in Java. |
609 | Planning with Numeric Timed Initial Fluents | Chiara Piacentini, Maria Fox, Derek Long | In this paper we present an extension of the planner POPF2 (POPF-TIF) to handle problems with numeric Timed Initial Fluents. |
610 | Combining Ontology Class Expression Generation with Mathematical Modeling for Ontology Learning | Jedrzej Potoniec, Agnieszka Ławrynowicz | We present an idea of using mathematicall modelling to guide a process of mining a set of patterns in an RDF graph and further exploiting these patterns to build expressive OWL class hierarchies. |
611 | Improving Cross-Domain Recommendation through Probabilistic Cluster-Level Latent Factor Model | Siting Ren, Sheng Gao, Jianxin Liao, Jun Guo | To capture diversities among different domains, we propose a novel Probabilistic Cluster-level Latent Factor (PCLF) model to improve the cross-domain recommendation performance. |
612 | Representation Discovery for MDPs Using Bisimulation Metrics | Sherry Shanshan Ruan, Gheorghe Comanici, Prakash Panangaden, Doina Precup | We propose an algorithm to generate an iteratively improving sequence of state space partitions. |
613 | Graphical Representation of Assumption-Based Argumentation | Claudia Schulz | Since Assumption-Based Argumentation (ABA) was introduced in the nineties,the structure and semantics of an ABA framework have been studied exclusively in logical termswithout any graphical representation.Here, we show how an ABA framework and its complete semantics can be displayed in a graph,clarifying the structure of the ABA framework as well as the resulting complete assumption labellings.Furthermore, we show that such an ABA graph can be used to represent the structureand semantics of a logic program (LP), based on the correspondence between the semantics of a LP and an ABA framework encoding this LP. |
614 | Actionable Combined High Utility Itemset Mining | Jingyu Shao, Junfu Yin, Wei Liu, Longbing Cao | In this paper, we introduce the concept of combined mining to select combined itemsets that are not only high utility and high frequency, but also involving relations between itemsets. |
615 | Spatio-Temporal Signatures of User-Centric Data: How Similar Are We? | Samta Shukla, Aditya Telang, Salil Joshi, L. Venkat Subramaniam | In this work, we are interested in obtaining a set of users who are spatio-temporally most similar to a query user. |
616 | Multimedia Data for the Visually Impaired | Niket Tandon, Shekhar Sharma, Tanima Makkad | We propose a model to automatically identify such videos. |
617 | Improving Microblog Retrieval from Exterior Corpus by Automatically Constructing Microblogging Corpus | Wenting Tu, David Cheung, Nikos Mamoulis | To alleviate this issue, we propose a methodology that constructs a simulated microblogging corpus rather than directly building a model from the exterior corpus. |
618 | Time-Sensitive Opinion Mining for Prediction | Wenting Tu, David Cheung, Nikos Mamoulis | This short paper presents our preliminary work on extracting reference time tagsand integrating them into an opinion mining model, in order to improvethe accuracy of future event prediction. |
619 | Self-Organized Collective Decision-Making in a 100-Robot Swarm | Gabriele Valentini, Heiko Hamann, Marco Dorigo | We study a self-organized collective decision-making strategy to solve a site-selection problem using a swarm of simple robots. |
620 | Handling Uncertainty in Answer Set Programming | Yi Wang, Joohyung Lee | We present a probabilistic extension of logic programs under the stable model semantics, inspired by the concept of Markov Logic Networks. |
621 | Combining Machine Learning and Crowdsourcing for Better Understanding Commodity Reviews | Heting Wu, Hailong Sun, Yili Fang, Kefan Hu, Yongqing Xie, Yangqiu Song, Xudong Liu | In this work, we combine machine learning and crowdsourcing together for better understanding customer reviews. |
622 | What Is the Longest River in the USA? Semantic Parsing for Aggregation Questions | Kun Xu, Sheng Zhang, Yansong Feng, Songfang Huang, Dongyan Zhao | What Is the Longest River in the USA? Semantic Parsing for Aggregation Questions |
623 | Accelerating SAT Solving by Common Subclause Elimination | Yaowei Yan, Chris E. Gutierrez, Jeriah Jn-Charles, Forrest Sheng Bao, Yuanlin Zhang | In this paper, we present novel algorithms for fast SAT solving by employing two common subclause elimination (CSE) approaches. |
624 | Global Policy Construction in Modular Reinforcement Learning | Ruohan Zhang, Zhao Song, Dana H. Ballard | We propose a modular reinforcement learning algorithm which decomposes a Markov decision process into independent modules. |
625 | Touchless Telerobotic Surgery — Is It Possible at All? | Tian Zhou, Maria Eugenia Cabrera, Juan Pablo Wachs | This paper presents a comprehensive evaluation among touchless, vision-based hand tracking interfaces (Kinect and Leap Motion) and the feasibility of their adoption into the surgical theater compared to traditional interfaces. |
626 | Modeling Eye Movements when Reading Microblogs | Maria Barrett, Anders Soegaard | This PhD project aims at a quantitative description of reading patterns from eye movements when reading tweets and the development of an eye movement relevance model. |
627 | Exploiting the Structure of Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems | Ferdinando Fioretto | In the proposed thesis, we study Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems (DCOPs), which are problems where several agents coordinate with each other to optimize a global cost function. |
628 | Realistic Assumptions for Attacks on Elections | Zack Fitzsimmons | I propose further study into modeling realistic election attacks and the advancement of the current state of empirical analysis of their hardness by using more advanced statistical techniques. |
629 | Social Hierarchical Learning | Bradley Hayes | I approach this problem through advancing the state of the art in building hierarchical task representations, multi-agent task-level planning, and learning assistive behaviors from demonstration. |
630 | Multivariate Conditional Anomaly Detection and Its Clinical Application | Charmgil Hong, Milos Hauskrecht | This paper overviews the background, goals, past achievements and future directions of our research that aims to build a multivariate conditional anomaly detection framework for the clinical application. |
631 | Probabilistic Planning with Risk-Sensitive Criterion | Ping Hou | In our recent paper (Hou, Yeoh, and Varakantham 2014), we formally defined Risk-Sensitive MDPs (RS-MDPs) and introduced new algorithms for RS-MDPs with non-negative costs. |
632 | Entity Resolution in a Big Data Framework | Mayank Kejriwal | The dissertation aims to build such a system and evaluate it on real-world datasets published already as Linked Open Data. |
633 | Non-Classical Planning for Robotic Applications | Scott Kiesel | For my dissertation I am focusing on non-classical planning for robotic applications. |
634 | Transfer Learning-Based Co-Run Scheduling for Heterogeneous Datacenters | Wei Kuang, Laura E. Brown, Zhenlin Wang | We extend the models to consider cross-architecture sensitivity (across different machines). |
635 | HVAC-Aware Occupancy Scheduling (Extended Abstract) | Boon-Ping Lim | My research focuses on developing innovative ways to control Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) and schedule occupancy flows in smart buildings to reduce our ecological footprint (and energy bills). |
636 | Scalable Agent Modeling for Large Multiagent Systems | Carrie Rebhuhn | We develop an approach where an agent can learn using an abstract model identification orstereotype rather than an explicit and unique model for each agent. |
637 | Explaining Answer Set Programming in Argumentative Terms | Claudia Schulz | Argumentation Theory and Answer Set Programming (ASP) are two prominent theories in the field of knowledge representation and non-monotonic reasoning,where Argumentation Theory stands for a variety of approaches following similar ideas.The main difference between Argumentation Theory and ASP is that the former focusses on representing knowledge and reasoning about it in a way that resembles human reasoning, neglecting the efficiency of the reasoning procedure,whereas the latter is concerned with the efficient computation of solutions to a reasoning problem, resulting in a less human-understandable process. |
638 | Optimal Multi-Agent Pathfinding Algorithms | Guni Sharon | The goal of my research is providing new methods to solve MAPF optimally and provide theoretical understandings that will help choose the best solver given a problem instance. |
639 | Multi-Agent Team Formation: Solving Complex Problems by Aggregating Opinions | Leandro Soriano Marcolino | In my thesis, I present two different novel models to aid in the team formation process. |
640 | Scaling-Up Inference in Markov Logic | Deepak Venugopal | The aim of this thesis is to advance the state-of-the-art in MLN inference, enabling it to solve much harder and more complex tasks than is possible today. |
641 | Risk-Aware Scheduling throughout Planning and Execution | Andrew J. Wang | Risk-Aware Scheduling throughout Planning and Execution |
642 | A Planning-Based Assistance System for Setting Up a Home Theater | Pascal Bercher, Felix Richter, Thilo Hörnle, Thomas Geier, Daniel Höller, Gregor Behnke, Florian Nothdurft, Frank Honold, Wolfgang Minker, Michael Weber, Susanne Biundo | We present a system that assists a human user in setting up a complex home theater consisting of several HiFi devices. |
643 | On Correcting Misspelled Queries in Email Search | Abhijit Bhole, Raghavendra Udupa | We propose SpEQ, a Machine Learning based approach that generates cor- rections for misspelled queries directly from the user’s own mail data. |
644 | Towards Cognitive Automation of Data Science | Alain Biem, Maria Butrico, Mark Feblowitz, Tim Klinger, Yuri Malitsky, Kenney Ng, Adam Perer, Chandra Reddy, Anton Riabov, Horst Samulowitz, Daby Sow, Gerald Tesauro, Deepak Turaga | This work presents a step towards this goal. |
645 | Tartanian7: A Champion Two-Player No-Limit Texas Hold’em Poker-Playing Program | Noam Brown, Sam Ganzfried, Tuomas Sandholm | We introduce a distributed version of the most commonly used equilibrium-finding algorithm, counterfactual regret minimization (CFR), which enables CFR to scale to dramatically larger abstractions and numbers of cores. |
646 | CrowdMR: Integrating Crowdsourcing with MapReduce for AI-Hard Problems | Jun Chen, Chaokun Wang, Yiyuan Bai | In this paper, we integrated crowdsourcing with MapReduce to provide a scalable innovative human-machine solution to AI-hard problems, which is called CrowdMR. |
647 | VecLP: A Realtime Video Recommendation System for Live TV Programs | Sheng Gao, Dai Zhang, Honggang Zhang, Chao Huang, Yongsheng Zhang, Jianxin Liao, Jun Guo | We propose VecLP, a novel Internet Video recommendation system working for Live TV Programs in this paper. |
648 | Multi-Agent Dynamic Coupling for Cooperative Vehicles Modeling | Maxime Guériau, Romain Billot, Nour-Eddin El Faouzi, Salima Hassas, Frédéric Armetta | We present our multi-agent model, tested through simulations using real traffic data and integrated into our extension of the Multi-model Open-source Vehicular-traffic SIMulator (MovSim). |
649 | Cognitive Master Teacher | Raghu Krishnapuram, Luis A Lastras, Satya Nitta | Cognitive Master Teacher |
650 | Visualizing Inference | Henry Lieberman, Joe Henke | We present a typical scenario of using Alar to debug a knowledge base. |
651 | Bottom-Up Demand Response by Following Local Energy Generation Voluntarily | Tobias Linnenberg, Alexander Fay, Michael Kaisers | We present an open-source low-budget hardware and software prototype of a smart plug, and the principles behind its capability to align power demand with a ref- erence signal, e.g. from local renewable energy genera- tion. |
652 | Visualization Techniques for Topic Model Checking | Jaimie Murdock, Colin Allen | We present the Topic Explorer, which advances the state-of-the-art in topic model visualization for document-document and topic-document relations. |
653 | Salient Object Detection via Objectness Proposals | Tam Van Nguyen | This paper presents a real-time system that detects salient object by integrating objectness, foreground and compactness measures. |
654 | Gene Selection in Microarray Datasets Using Progressively Refined PSO Scheme | Yamuna Prasad, K. K. Biswas | In this paper we propose a wrapper based PSO method for gene selection in microarray datasets, where we gradually refine the feature (gene) space from a very coarse level to a fine grained one, by reducing the gene set at each step of the algorithm. |
655 | World WordNet Database Structure: An Efficient Schema for Storing Information of WordNets of the World | Hanumant Harichandra Redkar, Sudha Baban Bhingardive, Diptesh Kanojia, Pushpak Bhattacharyya | In this paper, we present the World WordNet Database Structure which can be used to efficiently store the WordNet information of all languages of the World. |
656 | The Network Data Repository with Interactive Graph Analytics and Visualization | Ryan Rossi, Nesreen Ahmed | The Network Data Repository with Interactive Graph Analytics and Visualization |
657 | DeepTutor: An Effective, Online Intelligent Tutoring System That Promotes Deep Learning | Vasile Rus, Nobal Niraula, Rajendra Banjade | We present in this paper an innovative solution to the challenge of building effective educational technologies that offer tailored instruction to each individual learner. |
658 | Inferring Latent User Properties from Texts Published in Social Media | Svitlana Volkova, Yoram Bachrach, Michael Armstrong, Vijay Sharma | We demonstrate an approach to predict latent personal attributes including user demographics, online personality, emotions and sentiments from texts published on Twitter. |
659 | Circumventing Robots’ Failures by Embracing Their Faults: A Practical Approach to Planning for Autonomous Construction | Stefan Witwicki, Francesco Mondada | We describe how embracing these faults leads to better representations and smarter planning, allowing robots with limited precision to avoid catastrophic failures and succeed in intricate constructions. |
660 | Crowd Motion Monitoring with Thermodynamics-Inspired Feature | Xinfeng Zhang, Su Yang, Yuan Yan Tang, Weishan Zhang | Inspired by that, we introduce Boltzmann Entropy to measure crowd motion in optical flow field so as to detect abnormal collective behaviors. |
661 | Cerebella: Automatic Generation of Nonverbal Behavior for Virtual Humans | Margot Lhommet, Yuyu Xu, Stacy Marsella | Cerebella: Automatic Generation of Nonverbal Behavior for Virtual Humans |
662 | Scheherazade: Crowd-Powered Interactive Narrative Generation | Boyang Li, Mark Riedl | Interactive narrative is a form of storytelling in which users affect a dramatic storyline through actions by assuming the role of characters in a virtual world.This extended abstract outlines the Scheherazade-IF system, which uses crowdsourcing and artificial intelligence to automatically construct text-based interactive narrative experiences. |
663 | SimSensei Demonstration: A Perceptive Virtual Human Interviewer for Healthcare Applications | Louis-Philippe Morency, Giota Stratou, David DeVault, Arno Hartholt, Margo Lhommet, Gale Lucas, Fabrizio Morbini, Kallirroi Georgila, Stefan Scherer, Jonathan Gratch, Stacy Marsella, David Traum, Albert Rizzo | We present the SimSensei system, a fully automatic virtual agent that conducts interviews to assess indicators of psychological distress. |
664 | LOL — Laugh Out Loud | Florian Pecune, Beatrice Biancardi, Yu Ding, Catherine Pelachaud, Maurizio Mancini, Giovanna Varni, Antonio Camurri, Gualtiero Volpe | Our aim is to study copying capabilitiesparticipate in enhancing user’s experience in the interaction.User listens to funny audio stimuli in the presenceof a laughing agent: when funniness of audio increases, theagent laughs and the quality of its body movement (directionand amplitude of laughter movements) is modulated on-theflyby user’s body features. |
665 | Using Social Relationships to Control Narrative Generation | Julie Porteous, Fred Charles, Marc Cavazza | In our work we have developed a plan-based approach to narrative generation that uses character relationships as a key determinant in controlling plan shape (relationships are key in genres such as serial dramas and soaps). |
666 | Interactive Narrative Planning in The Best Laid Plans | Stephen G. Ware, R. Michael Young, Christian Stith, Phillip Wright | The Best Laid Plans is an interactive narrative video game that uses cognitive-inspired fast planning techniques to generate stories with conflict during play. |
667 | Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: What’s Hot | Chitta Baral, Giuseppe De Giacomo | Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: What’s Hot |
668 | What’s Hot in Crowdsourcing and Human Computation | Jeffrey Bigham | What’s Hot in Crowdsourcing and Human Computation |
669 | BDDs Strike Back (in AI Planning) | Stefan Edelkamp, Peter Kissmann, Alvaro Torralba | In this paper we review the outcome of the competition, briefly looking into the internals of the competing systems. |
670 | What’s Hot in the SAT and ASP Competitions | Marijn Heule, Torsten Schaub | Here we present the highlights of the Satisfiability (SAT) and Answer Set Programming (ASP) competitions. |
671 | What Is Hot in CHI | Wei Li | What Is Hot in CHI |
672 | AIBIRDS: The Angry Birds Artificial Intelligence Competition | Jochen Renz | In this paper we describe why this is a very difficult problem, why it is a challenge for AI, and why it is an important step towards building AI that can successfully interact with the real world. |
673 | RoboCup@Home — Benchmarking Domestic Service Robots | Sven Wachsmuth, Dirk Holz, Maja Rudinac, Javier Ruiz-del-Solar | The RoboCup@Home league has been founded in 2006with the idea to drive research in AI and related fieldstowards autonomous and interactive robots that copewith real life tasks in supporting humans in everday life.The yearly competition format establishes benchmarkingas a continuous process with yearly changes insteadof a single challenge. |
674 | Data Science for Social Good — 2014 KDD Highlights | Wei Wang | Data Science for Social Good — 2014 KDD Highlights |